Chapter 76

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**Recap Niall’s Pov**

“ow well alright, do whatever you want, call for me if you need anything, I’m in the back.” Jim told us.

“thank you” Zayn thanked him and I did the same. Jim disappeared in the back like he told us where he would be and zayn and I both started walking around through the pet shop. Both trying to get something to inspire us.

Zayn needed inspiration to draw and me to find a slogan or something. I sighed. I’m not good at writing slogans, I mean come on, they’re… ‘slogans’. I’m much better with lyrics and such.


That’s it!

“Omg! I’ve got an idea!”

Niall’s Pov


“Omg! I’ve got an idea!” I exclaimed happily. I waited for zayn to say anything but he didn’t. I didn’t even see him anywhere. Where is he?

“zayn?” I asked confused.

“yeah I’m right here.” He stated and I followed the direction where the sound came from.

“zayn I’ve got an idea!” I said once again, zayn turned around to look at me and I noticed he was sitting on the ground in front of a dog shelter. In front of Carter’s dog shelter. Carter is the German shepherd Emma had with her the last time she was at our apartment.

“that’s Carter right?” I asked, pointing at the dog in front of zayn in the shelter and zayn sighed.

“yeah it is.” He sighed sadly. I totally forgot what I was about to say to zayn. A sudden rush of sadness flew past me. It was as if it hasn’t seeped through me yet. But now I am starting to get it in my mind. All these animals are going to die if we do nothing about it.

All of them!

All of them are going to die if the plan isn’t working!

I sighed as well and I kneeled down next to zayn and I faced the shelter where Carter was in. I stared at him and he stared back at me. But not in a scary way.

“you know, he isn’t that scary as I thought he was the first time I saw him.” I laughed a little at the memory of how I reacted when I saw Emma with these dogs and zayn laughed as well.

“yeah, I know.” He smiled at the dogs and started rubbing him behind the ear.

“what would happen to them if we don’t help them?” zayn asked, his eyes not leaving the shelter.

“they’d die” I stated harshly. Zayn sighed. Knowing I was right.

“well then let’s not waste precious time.” Zayn stated and he turned towards me and smiled.

“now what did you want to tell me.” Zayn asked. And suddenly I remembered again. My idea!

“I want to write a song!” I exclaimed happily and zayn just raised his eyebrow.

“about the animals?” he asked confused and I just nodded.

“yes, about the pet shop closing down, about how the animals feel about this.” I cleared out a bit more.

“how do you know how the animals feel about this?” zayn questioned and I just rolled my eyes.

“well to be honest I don’t think they’re going to be jumping around in joy.” I stated and zayn nodded finally getting my point.

“right.” He said.

“and yeah I think it’s a great idea, I’m sure you’ll make it great.” Zayn cheered me on and I smiled happily.

“you really think I should give it a try?” I asked a bit unsure. What if the song sucks?

“Niall I know you can do this. Give it a try.” He said and patted me on the shoulder, encouraging me.

“thanks zayn.” I smiled.

“so how are your things going?” I asked hoping he had got some inspiration himself. But I immediately knew that that wasn’t much the case when he let out a deep sigh.

“you’ll find something zayn.” I promised him, flashing him one of my best smiles.

“I know I’ll get inspiration Niall, I just hope it good enough.” Zayn explained and I frowned. Good enough? Of course he is good enough.

“zayn! What are you talking about, you know you draw amazing, you know you can’t deny that.” I stated. Everyone knows that zayn can draw very well. And he knows it himself as well.

“Niall it’s not about the fact that I can draw or not.” Zayn stated and I raised my eyebrow.

“then what is it?”  I asked plopping myself down on the ground next to him.

“Niall, louis is trying so hard to make the plan turn out perfect, what if I can’t make my part perfect” he sighed. And I was utterly shocked. I’ve never seen zayn act this way. Was he really concerned about not being good enough to help in the plan. That’s insane.

“zayn come on, I’ve never seen you act this way. You’ll make it great I know so.” I smiled proudly.

“thanks Niall and I think I just got some inspiration” he cheered and soon he started moving his pencil across his paper. I tried looking over his shoulder, guessing he wouldn’t notice me looking since he is so concentrated while he is drawing.

“look away Niall” he growled playful but still I knew he meant it. I huffed and turned around with a pout on my face. But soon I started working on my own things and silence filled the pet shop, only hearing the pets and Jim’s voice coming from the back of the pet shop. Probably calling someone or helping a costumer.


Hey guys :)

I’m sorry :( I know it’s pretty boring nothing really happen in it but next chapter is going to be Emma’s Pov :D

Thank you guys for being very supportive, you guys are really great. And as you noticed I try dedicating chapters to my commenters as much as I can :D




Thank you all for reading :)

Love ya all my Pups :D


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