Chapter 36

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 **Recap Liam’s Pov**

“look guys I’m an ogre!” Louis suddenly yelled while holding the Shrek movie in front of his face. I groaned.

“give that to me” Niall groaned while snapping the movie away from Louis’ hands and louis pouted like a 5 year old child who’s candy got taken away.

Yeah we were all pretty pissed off with louis. He is stupid for doing this. Why the hell is he drunk! He knew that would only make everything worse!

Emma leaving must have upset him a lot. I never knew he had it that bad for her. Well he should sober up first before he has to think about fixing it, because right now he would only make things worse.

Emma’s Pov


A complete week had passed but nothing was going well. I haven’t heard anything about louis since I came back on my own. And to be honest I was happy I hadn’t heard from him yet. I wanted it to stay that way.

Katy was acting more distant as well. I don’t know why though, maybe it because I kind of shut me off from everyone by sitting in my room and hugging my pillow, or most of the times I am on my computer, trying to find a solution to save the pet shop. But I knew that it’s practically over already. There is nothing that we can do anymore. 2 more weeks left. ONLY 2.

Only thinking about this made me cry. I don’t want the pet shop to close. They can’t do that to all these animals, they can’t do that to me.

And that’s not the only thing that has been bothering me this week. Even though my parents don’t really know about my existence anymore, I do miss them. They’re still my parents and I haven’t seen them in forever!

I want to go visit them, but I can’t afford a plane ticket. My eyes started to tear up again and I plopped my face down into my pillow and screamed at the top of my lungs. I seem to do that a lot lately. People say that it works if something frustrates you. Well it doesn’t work in my case!

Nothing seems to work. Nothing seems to make me happy. I just don’t see the point of life anymore. When I thought that life would get better, it just seemed to become worse.

“EMMA!” Katy’s voice called out from the other side of my bedroom door. For a short moment I considered just ignoring her and keep laying on the bed but I finally decided not to.

“yeah?” I answered in a whisper, not being sure if she heard that but not caring to speak louder. But apparently she heard me well enough and my door flew open.

“hey sistah!” Katy said happily. I knew she wasn’t as happy as she shows off she is. But she was just trying to cheer me up. Not that it ever worked this week. Her smile quickly disappeared from her face as she saw my stern face.

She walked over to me and plopped down onto the bed.

“you smell like a dead person” she stated as she made a disgusted face. I groaned.

“when was the last time you got out of bed?” she asked me with a weird and disgusted expression on her face.

I shrugged. Don’t know and don’t care.

“gosh when was the last time you took a shower?!” she exclaimed as she held her hands in front of her nose after she smelled me. I glared at her.

“I don’t know and I don’t care” I muttered.

“Ems You stink!” she pointed out.

“well then stop smelling me.” I shot back.

“I can smell my best friend whenever I want” she defended.

“well then stop complaining about the smell” I demanded.

“no come on Emma! Get up” she ordered while pulling me up from the bed.

“good! Now go take a shower, it will do good to you” she promised as she pointed towards the bathroom door. I groaned but finally agreed with Katy and decided to go take a shower.

“and only dare to come back when you don’t smell anymore!” she yelled just before I shut her out by closing the door.

“Not promising anything!”


I’m sorry for another short update :’(

It was kind of another filler chapter :p

Well anyway please VOTE AND COMMENT



Thank you all :)

Thank you all my Pups :D


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