Chapter 42

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**Recap Katy’s Pov**

 “Liam?” I asked unsure.

“hmm?” he hummed again, telling me to go on.

“I-I-I think I really love you” I whispered unsure, not daring to look at him.

Suddenly I felt two fingers under my chin, lifting up my face so I was looking him in the eyes.

“I think I love you too Katy”

Katy’s Pov

A couple of days had passed after me and Liam admitted to each other that we were really in love with each other, I never expected that this would happen. I thought I would just be a ‘summer love’ to him. But he actually said he loved me back!

Also Louis had apologized and of course I forgave him, I knew he was just upset and that it had just slipped from his mouth, so no harm done anymore.

Though not everything was great. Emma was really down again. I would almost say she was really in a depression. It’s terrible to see her this way.

Everything in our lives is changing, in good but mostly bad ways. And I have Liam to support me, but Emma has nobody. I want to be there for her but she shuts everyone out. It’s a pain to myself to see her this way.  But what am I to change something like that. I can’t just use some magic and let a ticket to Australia appear. I wish I could but I can’t.

Emma’s Pov

  “Emma get your butt out of that room! I’m not in the mood to try getting you out of there again!” Katy screamed through the door.

I don’t know why but I still didn’t feel any better. I miss home and there is some empty hole inside of me. I haven’t seen my family in months so I guess that’s the reason.

I called my family yesterday. They said that they missed me too but that they hadn’t the money their self to pay my ticket to Australia. Let me tell you that plane tickets to Australia aren’t very cheap. But from the moment that I realized I wouldn’t be seeing my family anytime soon I just sunk even deeper into the ground.

The last few days I haven’t seen Katy much around, because she is working at the pet shop, I felt bad for not helping her out but she said that  I would scare people away with my dead presents, I was like a mummy in her opinion.

Well it’s not like I don’t believe her. I haven’t seen the daylight in like 2 days. I feel like a vampire living at night. But then I’m not living at the night either. Don’t ask me what I do in all those hours, I just sit there and stare at the wall.

Secretly hoping that a solution to every problem would appear on it. But we all know that’s not going to happen any time soon right?

Plus She said she could handle it and that Josh would help out. Josh our ‘boss’. The latest weeks he has been helping around more.  

I groaned  and finally managed to move myself from the bed. But once I actually thought about getting off it I changed my mind. I don’t want to leave my bed. Especially not my room.

“Emma get over here! I got something for you!” she exclaimed annoyed by the fact that I still wasn’t opening the door. I groaned, what in hell does she have for me? I hope it’s ice cream cause I’m really up for that right now.

“what is it?” I asked still not getting up.

“I don’t know it’s a letter, I found it in our mailbox this morning” she explained. A letter? who sends letters these days? 

“who’s it from?” I asked slightly getting more curious whitin the second.

“I don’t know that’s why I’m telling you to come over here and open it.” She stated and she started knocking on my door impatiently.

I groaned but finally I let curiosity take over and I hopped lazily off the bed and stumped towards the door.

I opened it and I saw Katy holding the letter in her hands, looking at me excitedly. I knew she was dying from curiosity to know what was is this letter. Typical Katy.

I grabbed the letter from her and she followed my ever single movement.

I wanted to open the letter but I could just feel Katy’s eyes burning into me.

“Stop staring like that Katy” I said. She pouted but stopped staring at me and was now staring at the letter. I ripped the envelope open and opened it so I could see what was in it.

And when I realized what it was my mouth dropped open. I can’t believe my own eyes!

“Omg Emma what is it! What is it! You’re killing me! Tell me what’s in it!” she stomped her foot impatiently on the floor like a little child.

I wanted to tell her, but the only words that I had right now were:


 this is unbelievable!

this can't be true!

I must be dreaming right now!


Hey everyone :D

I hope you enjoyed it :D




Thank you all :)

Love ya all my pups :D


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