Chapter 62

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**Recap Liam’s Pov**

“I’m so sorry that I didn’t want to listen to you and that I concluded too fast.” I apologized to her.

“it’s fine liam, you know now” she smiled and pulled away from our hug and gasped when she looked me in the eyes.

“Liam are you crying?” she exclaimed with her mouth hanging open. I blushed a little but nodded truthfully.

“sorry” I apologized and she just laughed.

“don’t ever apologize for crying, I think it’s just so sweet.” She smiled and cleared m face from tears before she wrapped her petite arms around me once again and I didn’t hesitate to hug her back.

“I love you Liam” she whispered into my chest. I smiled, feeling like the happiest man on the earth.

“I love you too Katy”

Katy’ Pov


“Omg Katy! You are not going to believe your ears!” Emma suddenly yelled. I groaned as I pulled the covers over my head. I stayed like that for a short while until I decided to check what time it was. I pulled the covers down and looked to my side to see it was only 6 am.

I groaned.

“GOD EMMA WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE SO LOUD AT 6 AM!” I yelled back at her.

“because I called with my brother! There is a huge time difference remember so I decided that it was now calling him or calling him when he is asleep and he said he barely got any sleep last night!” Emma yelled back explaining to me.

And suddenly my eyes snapped open, Josh! I never heard him say that he would help us! Is he going to help us?! What did he tell emma?! Omg what if I say something different than him?! Ow shit! But I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that we probably called him up yesterday when he was probably asleep hehe guilty!

“well what did he say when you called him?” I asked yelling from my room to Emma’s room.

“Katy if we keep yelling like this then all the pets downstairs are going to wake up and it’s only 6 am!” Emma laughed. Okay so she was happy? And hey! She cares about the sleep of the pets but not about mine? Great friend she is!

“I want to sleep Emma! You should too! It’s only 6 am!” I exclaimed as I let myself fall back onto the bed.

“I’m not going back to sleep I’m going out for a jog, and no wait a second let me tell you first what he did!” she exclaimed and I could hear her footsteps approach me. I groaned into my pillow.

“fine! What did he do.” I asked. She plopped down onto my bed with her phone still in her hands.

“he is the freaking one who bought me the ticket!” she exclaimed and I sighed in relieve. Thanks goodness that he was going to help us with the plan!

“really?!” I yelled, acting like I was totally shocked and didn’t know about anything. And emma nodded excitedly but soon her happy face turned into a frowning one.

“what’s wrong?” I asked confused about her sudden mood change.

“why would he do that?” she frowned.

“what do you mean?” I asked nervous. Omg I really can’t lie to Emma! Damn this is going to be harder than I thought it would be.

“he has money but he was saving for a vacation with his girlfriend.” She stated and the frown didn’t leave her features.

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