Chapter 63

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**Recap Liam’s Pov**

 “is It possible that this is your phone liam?” I asked as I showed liam the phone. Everyone relaxed again and they all let out a deep sigh. What was wrong with them today?

“omg yeah it is! Where did you find it?” he exclaimed as he grabbed the phone from me and unlocked it, making sure it’s really his.

“at the park, where  I was taking a break from jogging.” I explained.

“omg I must have left it there last night, thank you so much Emma!” Liam exclaimed happily and he hugged my tightly.

I looked over Liam’s shoulder as he hugged me and couldn’t help but notice a familiar phone with a familiar phone case laying on the table.

Liam pulled away from his hug but I was still looking at the phone on the table.

“errrr guys?” I asked, getting all of their attention.

“is that my phone on your table over there?”

Emma’s Pov

“is that my phone on your table over there?” I asked confused as I pointed at the table with what looked a lot like my phone on it.

After I had asked that everything was quiet. Why aren’t they answering? I swear you could just hear a pin drop. I was  still waiting for one of them to answer while Harry, Liam and louis were just exchanging looks, like they were having a conversation through their eyes.

They all looked worried and a bit scared. Why? I have no freaking idea! I groaned when I realized that they weren’t going to answer me anytime soon so I  decided to walk over to the table with the phone. I was about to reach out for it to grab it to see if it was really my phone when I was suddenly pulled back roughly.

I gasped cause I wasn’t expecting it.

“hey!” I whined and when I turned around only to see Louis looking down at me nervous and a glint of guilt in his eyes. I glared at him but at the same time I couldn’t help but to feel comfortable in Louis’ arms. But then again he was HALF NAKED which makes is uncomfortable again.

“Louis let go of me.” I demanded. He did as I demanded him to do and I dusted myself off and glared at him.

“why in hell would you grab me like that!” I snapped at him. I saw a flash of hurt coming across his features and it made me immediately feel guilty for snapping like that.

“it’s not your phone.” Harry stated. I snapped my head towards him and raised my eyebrow. How can he possibly know if it’s my phone or not?

“are you sure? Cause it looks a lot like m-“ I started to say when I was cut off by Harry

“yes! I’m sure!” he said quickly, a little too quickly. I raised my eyebrow once again.

“how do know that? It looks a lot like mine and I can’t find mine.” I stated. Harry didn’t answer me after I said that which made me look at Liam with a questioning look.

“who’s phone is this then?” I asked to all of them. It was quiet again and I groaned annoyed.

“guys seriously what’s up with all of you?!” I exclaimed frustrated.

“we don’t know who’s phone it is.” Louis suddenly spoke up. I turned towards him again and gave him a look, telling him to go on.

“we found the phone in the ice cream shop yesterday and figured it was yours but Katy had already left so we thought that we should give it to you when we next saw you” Louis explained.

“but harry said-“ I started to question when I was once again cut off.

“Harry is weird… you should know that by now.” Louis laughed but I couldn’t sense any humor in his voice.

“ow well thanks for not just leaving it there.” I thanked them.

“you’re welcome.” Louis spoke. I walked over to the table and grabbed my phone and sighed. I can’t remember taking my phone out in the Ice cream shop. How could I have possibly lost it there? Well whatever I have it back that’s most important.

“well I’ll better get going then.” I stated as I put the phone away in my pocked.

“ow well okay.” Liam said and hugged me goodbye. Harry did the same and then I turned towards louis. Ow come on! I’m sure that hugging a half-naked Greek god won’t hurt… right? Something inside me begged me to hug Louis but something else forbid me to do that.

“just hug him already ems!” Harry laughed and I just blushed.

I walked over to louis and hugged his naked torso awkwardly, not long after I felt his strong arms wrap around me as well.

“you should put on a shirt next time you have a visitor.” I whispered into his naked chest. I would say that it wasn’t effecting me one bit that would be like a very big lie! Louis chest started to shake and I could hear him laugh.

“I’ll try remembering that.” He whispered back. I blushed and we both pulled away from the hug.

“bye guys.” I waved at them.

“Brady! Telly! Vivy! Carter!”  I called out and not long later my four dogs came running towards me. I noticed Harry taking a large step back when Carter ran towards him and I just laughed.

“he’s not dangerous Harry” I laughed at the expression he was wearing on his features.

“but he is… HUGE!” he exclaimed.

“he’s cute” louis corrected him. I looked towards him but he didn’t see me looking at him cause he was looking at Carter in amazement. I wonder what’s up with Carter and Louis, they seem to get along pretty well. I sighed, full-grown dogs normally don’t get adopted much cause people prefer puppies, I understand why but I love Carter so much.

I sighed and put the four dogs on their leashes before I waved the boys goodbye one more time before leaving.

I should really head home now and start packing, cause I’m leaving for Australia tonight and I still haven’t packed anything!


Hey everyone :D

I know this is a boring chapter and a very short one, sorry for that :’(

But I have an exam tomorrow :’( please wish me loads of luck!

ow and please check out the trailer on the side! :D

thank you :D

please don’t forget to VOTE AND COMMENT



Thank you all for reading :)

Love ya all my Pups :D


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