Chapter 15

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Marinette sat in her car, morning had come and with it school. Her eyes were still a bit red from crying the past few days, to her luck it was Friday, this meant she would be seeing Chloé and Alya later.

Her car stopped in front of the school, Marinette took a few seconds to collect some courage before she opened the door and walked into the school.

The moment Marinette walked into her classroom everyone stopped chatting, they looked at her as she walked to her seat next to Chloé and sat down, her blond friend put her arm arouNo her shoulder and gave her a quick hug before class started.


At precisely 9 in the evening Marinette sat on a chair in her lair, waiting for her friends, she didn't have to wait long. The first thing they did when they walked in was to run over to her and give her a hug.

"Thank you girls, I needed that" Marinette said as they sat down.

"We could tell, you were so quiet today" Chloé said before she looked down.

"How are you Marinette?" Alya said, looking at Marinette's red eyes.

"Better" a small smile found her lips "it took hard on me, so don't be surprised if you have to do this a few times alone."

"What will you do now Marinette? Your parents are dead and you don't have a guardian" Chloé asked her.

"It was just that wich stop me crying" Marinette said "but I have taken care of it, 'Ms. Cheng will be adopting me."

"You're going to adopt yourself?" Chloé said, looking Marinette in the eyes.

"Yes, everyone thinks my parents and 'Ms. Cheng' were good friends and I don't have any family left who can take me in, plus we get better cases to the house."

The three friends used a few hours to talk about their normal lives, other than what had happened before they headed home to sleep.

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