Chapter 29

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The moonlight illuminated the city of Paris as Ladybug patrolled the roofs, alone.

'Too bad Chat couldn't come' she thought as she took a small break and looked out over the city 'it's beautiful out here tonight.'

And right she was, it was a clear night and the full moon stood high, you could even spot a few stars if you looked closely. The streetlights shone below the roofs and the moon above, this made it fairly easy for her to patrol, she could see everything.

Right now Ladybug was near the more expensive part of town, she was actually heading towards that part of Paris, seeing as Hawkmoth, Queen Bee and Volphina had targeted places filled with wealth before, so it was only logical that they would rob somewhere like this.

A lot of cars were parked on the streets around one of the mansions, a rather big one with a glass dome on the roof, the sound of classical music could be heard too.

'Sounds like someone is having a party' Ladybug thought, curiosity clear in her eyes 'perhaps a quick look at how the rich and famous party' she continued to jump her way across the rooftops until she spotted a window that showed a ballroom, with people dancing.

Ladybug took a few minutes to look through the window from the roof she was standing on, just looking at the mansion made her a bit jealous. Just as she turned around to leave something caught her eye, inside the mansion, amongst all the rich and powerful people of Paris, was Marinette, dancing with none other than Adrian.

'This is absurd' Ladybug thought as she watched the two their even smiling, their enjoying themselves' Ladybug turned away, she couldn't watch as the one that her civil self was in love with, dance with one of the girls that she hated the most.

Ladybug then jumped to the next roof, with angry eyes, and proceeded her patrol. But what she hadn't realized was that she was being watched by someone from behind, by none other than Queen Bee, for right now it was only an illusion of Chloé who was at the ball.

Queen Bee took out a phone from her pocket and send a message to her partners, then she jumped after Ladybug, with a small smirk on her lips.


Marinette sat down after her dance with Adrian, something seemed familiar about him, but she couldn't place it. After a few minutes Alya came over and tapped on her miraculous one time gesturing that their partner was following Ladybug, only Ladybug, no Chat Noir.

'This might be our opportunity' Marinette thought as Alya and herself walked out of the ballroom and towards the elevator to the greenhouse on top of the mansion, under the excuse of having to go to the toilet, the rest of the guests would be joined by two more illusions in a few minutes time.

Alya took out her phone and opened her messages, Queen Bee was still following Ladybug, who were slowly heading towards The Eiffel Tower.

"Tell her we will wait for her there" Marinette said, walking into the middle of the room "Nooroo, dark wings rise!" The swarm of butterflies swirled around Marinette as she once again transformed.

Alya, who didn't need butterflies to transform, quickly texted Queen Bee before she transformed as well. The two partners then headed towards The Eiffel Tower

Hawkmoth and Volphina landed at the top of the tower, here they waited, not for long though. After only a few minutes Ladybug landed where they had stood just before, moments later, Queen Bee landed just behind Ladybug.

"Well well well, if it isn't the little red bug" Queen Bee said in a mocking tone, surprising Ladybug "shouldn't you be home in bed like all the good girls?"

"Queen Bee" Ladybug said, she recognized the voice, even before she had turned around "what are you doing here?" she sneered.

"Someone certainly isn't in a good mood" Volphina said with a small laugh, jumping down from her hiding spot.

"Your two are no match for me" the red wearing hero said, once again sneering, looking forth and back between the two. Moments after Hawkmoth's laughter could be heard.

"That's where your wrong Ladybug" Hawkmoth said, slowly walking out of her hiding spot in the shadows "you and Chat Noir might stoop Queen Bee and Volphina, but alone you stand no chance."

Ladybug stared for a few moments

"I thought you let your partners handle the dirty work Hawkmoth, finally sunk down to their level?"

"Can't I want to see one of my greatest triumphs for myself?" Hawkmoth asked, smirking.

"And what would that be?" She sneered again, she was getting annoyed.

"Capturing you" suddenly a Ladybug felt herself being grabbed from behind, a piece of cloth with a foul smell was pressed over her mouth and nose, making her fell rather sleepy.

This was the last she remembered before she passed out.

A/N I was a bit busy, as usual, so this version of the chapter isn't checked for grammar mistakes, I will upload a new version on Monday which is. Q

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