Chapter 14

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Marinette laid on her bed, her head buried in her pillow, her eyes red and a few tears flowed down her cheeks.

It had been two days since her parents plane had disappeared, she hadn't left her room more than a few times a day since then. The only reasons she had was to either get food or use the toilet. Chloé and Alya had tried to get to her, but she wouldn't let them in, a policeman had been at the door too, since she was now an orphan she would need a new guardian, she didn't have any close family on either of her parents sides and would therefore be up for adoption.

The last few days was spent crying in her room, Nooroo had tried to help but she shut everybody out.

Marinette looked up from her pillow as she heard her phone vibrate from her desk, she slowly got up and walked over to see what it said.

It was a message from Chloé.

'Marinette, please don't shut us out, we want to help. We realize that you're sad right now but we'll help you through it, we need your help as much as you need us right now, we can't do this by ourselves, we're the muscles, but you're the brain.'

Marinette dried her eyes with her hand, she knew that Chloé was right, she needed to focus, lying on her bed and crying wouldn't bring her parents back, she would need Ladybug and Chat ours miraculous, with ultimate power she could get them back!

Marinette quickly began to think like she used to, completely unaware of what was going on around her.

She would need a new guardian, someone who she could use for her benefit, an idea struck her, Ms. Cheng! 

It would be perfect, no one would even find it odd that Ms. Cheng would adopt the daughter of her business partners, seeing as everyone thought they were good friends.

Marinette, who seemed to have forgotten all about her parents contacted Ms. Cheng's assistant and asked her to contact the police about this, she also made a note out of her assistant calling herself to tell her about the good news, if everything went well she would be moving permanently into her lair in a few days. This would make many things much easier, they wouldn't have to meet in secret anymore.

Marinette's phone once again began beeping, now the school was calling to ask when she was ready to come back, Marinette thought for a moment and replied that she was ready to come back to school again tomorrow.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, I've had a very busy weekend. I'll upload another chapter on Wednesday to make up for it, continuing from where we left off in this one.

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