Chapter 7

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Marinette where once again back in the good, old boring school, it had was hard trying to find a new Volphina, she had been searching for many months now and it was now in the middle of April. Marinette where struggling trying to stay awake, not because it was boring, but because she had been looking for someone who could be the next Volphina, with no results. If it hadn't been for Chloé, then she would have fallen a sleep multiple times already, but the blonde poked her in the side every time she was about to fall asleep, it annoyed Marinette a bit, but she where still thankful for the help. The day ended and Marinette bid her farewells to Chloé, as soon as she came home she went right for her bedroom, she told Nooroo to keep an eye out for any strong anger or other negative feelings against Ladybug and went for a nap.


Marinette woke up a few hours later, felling a little bit more refreshed, she found Nooroo siting in her window.

"Have you felt anything Nooroo?" She asked as she walked over to him.

"None at all Mistress, its been quiet whilst you slept" he flew up and hovered in front of her "Maybe if you transformed and akumatised somebody?"

"Let's do that" Marinette replyed with a smile "I'll just text Chloé and tell her that we're trying to find somebody who hates Ladybug."

Marinette grabbed her phone and texted Chloé as she walked to her lair, once up in the glass dome with her little pets, she transformed and began looking for a champion, when she was done she had her new champion go around in Paris, just to draw out the heroes, Queen Bee would join her champion as soon as the fighting began.

It didn't take long before Ladybug and Chat Noir where there, her champion had apparently been caught on live television,fightingbattle soon followed.

Queen Bee where watching from a safe distance, waiting until the right moment to aide her partners champion, this champion was one of Hawkmoth's stronger ones, but Ladybug and Chat Noir had the advantage of the numbers on him.

Ladybug where focused on fighting with the new villain, Queen Bee decided that it would be the perfect moment to strike, she ran at Ladybug full speed.

"Watch out My Lady!" Chat yelled as he spotted Queen Bee, but he was to late, Queen Bee hit Ladybug and she flew into a nearby building. The fighting went on for around teen minutes before Ladybug and Chat Noir had freed the Akuma from its hiding place, Queen Bee used the de-evilisation to run onto a rooftop and hide. Queen Bee watched as Ladybug let out the butterfly, and were approached by a girl with a camera.

"Could I get an interview for the Ladyblog?" The girl, who Queen Bee now recognized as her classmate Alya, Queen Bee where to far away to really see much, but Ladybug didn't exactly look happy about this.

"No, I have told you before and I'll say it again, I won't give you an interview and I told you to stay away from the fights!" Ladybug yelled at Alya before she swung away. Queen Bee heard Chat Noir talking to Alya for a while before he left as well, Queen took a few moments to look at Alya before she left to talk to her partner, the might have lost most of the fights, but it seemed that they would win the war.


Marinette was siting in her lair, a fresh pot of tea on the table, he had already filed bothe cups. She was just waiting for Chloé to get here, it might take a bit, the fight was a bit away, but she would be here soon. Marinette heard the door open behind her, a few seconds later Chloé were sitting in front of her.

"Did you feel it?" Chloé asked her.

"I did, I still do and so does Nooroo, the anger Ladybug had was nothing compared to Alya's" Marinette took a sip of her tea.

"Do you think she could....... you know?"

"It's possible, if she is still angry tomorrow then you and I will talk, for now, we wait" the two friends took some time just siting there, talking, it was a nice day in spring, the birds were singing outside the open windows and a little the sun were shining.

The following day was luckily a Friday and Marinette last few classes had been canceled, her driver had picked her up at school and drove her home, Marinette didn't have time to stay though, she hurried over to her lair.

Nooroo where sitting on her little garden table, reading the book about the miraculous, trying to learn the of a way to find the last miraculous, one that had not been used for some time. Marinette the other way where sitting in one of the chairs, enjoying the sunlight as she waited for Chloé, her partner had to go and see her father before she could come. Marinette had some water and fruits send up for them, which she collected from the kitchen elevator, none of the people in the staff where allowed to go up here after all, she had just placed it on the table as Chloé arrived.

"Was she still as angry as yesterday?" the blonde asked as she sat down.

"No" Marinette answered her friend "she was even angrier than she was yesterday, you'll have to be the one to convince her."

There were a few moments of silence.

"How do I convince her?" Chloé asked, breaking the silence.

"Revenge my dear friend, you promise her revenge" an evil smile had formed on Marinette's lips.

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