Chapter 16

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Hawkmoth stood in the middle of her lair, her butterflies were swirling around her. She waited patiently, an akuma had already won her a champion, soon her new champion or servant, as she had begun calling them, would join her friends.

Today their attack had another purpose than stealing the miraculous, a large collection of jewels, artifacts and gold was being transported through Paris tonight, they intended to steal it. Having been in this business for over 10 months had given her some contacts in the black market, they could easily sell it all for her, in turn for a small percentage of course.


In another part of town, Queen Bee and Volphina watched over the transport, they just waited for the reinforcements to come, they followed it for a few more minutes before they were there.

As the champion and Queen Bee took out the valuables, Volhina used her illusions to get it to their lair. As the champion took out the last gold and Volphina made it get to their safe house sirens could be heard, the three villains then hurried away.

Back in the lair a now detransformed Marinette where making sure everything was there, she heard the door to the roof open, meaning her friends were back.

"There's a lot of expensive stuff there Marinette" Alya said as she and Chloé sat down.

"I know, and we need it all, we need equipment, plus, this house isn't free, the bakeries aren't as good an investment as I thought at first" Marinette poured some tea into her cup.

"I'll need a little favor tomorrow Alya" Marinette looked at her red haired friend.

"What do you need Marinette?" the redhead asked.

"'Ms. Cheng' needs to sign the adoption papers tomorrow, in person, and I need to be there too" Marinette changes her appearance into Ms. Cheng for a moment "but I need to be there too, I need you to make an illusion of me whilst I sign the papers."

"I'd be happy to help you Marinette" Alya replied with a smile.

The three friends then headed to their homes. After Marinette came home she turned on the TV, trying to see if there was anything about their robbery on the news, something else caught her eye though.

The tragic death of her parents had been in the headlines since their plane disappeared, so it didn't really surprise Marinette that they were talking about her being adopted. She was quite the topic in the news right now, she had suspected that it would have stopped by now. After the update on her personal life there was a bit about the robbery, the police didn't want to say much.

Marinette lay down on her bed, falling asleep rather quickly.


The signing of the adoption at her parents, lawyers office went rather uneventful, the illusion of her didn't put say much, what was more interesting was when they came out on the street. Several reporters were standing there, trying to get interviews and pictures of Ms. Cheng and her doubleganger, the illusion waved at them with a small smile and she did the same before they got into her car.

As Marinette showed the illusion to her new room, she dropped the illusion that mad her look like Ms. Cheng and waved her hand through her doubleganger and made it disappear.

Marinette had to admit she liked her new room, it was bigger and more luxurious than her last, granted, her parents had a lot of money, they weren't even close to her own level.

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