Chapter 4

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Marinette strolled into the school again the next day,mähe quickly found Chloé talking to a blonde boy who was sitting on the seat in front of her own one.

"Good morning Chloé" Marinette greeted her new friend.

"Marinette!" Chloé gave her a hug "this is Adrian" she gestured to the blond boy.

"Nice to meet you Adrian" Marinette put out her hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you too Marinette" Adrian took her hand and shook it.


A few months later Marinette was sitting in her lair, thinking about what to do. Nooroo had been telling her about some of the things he could do, he, apparently, was the only one of the kwami who could sense inactive miraculous's and find items related to the miraculous's.

Marinette had used this to find The Grand Guardian, and whilst he was away for a few days, had used one of her champions to break into his apartment and steal the other miraculous's that could be used for evil.

Marinette was now thinking about who she could get to help her against Ladybug and Chat Noir, it would be quite easy seeing as Ladybug weren't very nice to others, she always refused to talk to anybody but Chat Noir.

"How about Chloé?" Nooroo asked, "Didn't she have a run-in with Ladybug about a month ago?"

"Your right" Marinette agreed "She was trying to be friends with Ladybug, Ladybug told her to leave her alone and since then Chloé has hated both heroes."

"She would be the perfect Queen Bee, wouldn't she?" Nooroo said.

"Let's go transform and get to her to go here" Marinette and Nooroo went up to the glass dome on the roof "Nooroo, dark wings rise!"

It was easy for Hawkmoth to sense Chloé's anger against Ladybug. She quickly send an Akuma to her, she had created so that they only could talk, Chloé wouldn't be transformed or anything like that.

Chloé was sitting in her room, throwing darts at a picture of Ladybug, she didn't even notice the butterfly landing on her shoulder.

"Chloé, I am Hawkmoth, I sense a great anger for Ladybug in you, tell me would you like to see her suffer?" Hawkmoths voice said in Chloé's head.

"Yes Hawkmoth, I would like to crush her beneath my feet like the bug she is" Chloé!voice spat with venom.

"I believe we can help each other Chloé, all you have to do is follow the butterfly on your shoulder to me and then I will give you the power you need to fur fill your wish" and Chloé did as she was told, she followed the butterfly to a mansion 10 minutes from her father's hotel.

Chloé rang the bell "Hello?"

"Ms. Chloé?" A voice asked.

"Y-yes" Chloé answered.

"My employer is expecting you" the gate opened and Chloé walked up to the front door, here she was greeted by a woman around her father's age.

"Ms. Cheng is waiting for you in the green house on the roof" she pointed at an elevator to her left "just press the circular button and it will take you right there, she has never allowed anybody up there."

As the doors to the greenhouse opened Chloé was greeted by hundreds of butterflies, flying around in the sunlight.

In the middle of the room was a table with a tea tray on it, in one of the chairs there was a girl that Chloé would guess to be around her own age.

"Come and sit down Chloé" she recognized the voice as Hawkmoth, but it sounded a little different, spirit reminded her of somebody, she walked over and sat down.

"Care for a cup of tea" Hawkmoth asked her.

"It would be nice" Chloé said nervously, Hawkmoth was after all the most feared villain in France.

"There is no need to be scared of me Chloé," Hawkmoth said as she poured some tea into Chloe's cup "I won't hurt you, you want the same as I don't you, to bring these so-called heroes to their knees?"

"I do" Chloé quickly answered.

"Good" Hawkmoth gave her a little black box.

Chloé opened the box and found a beautiful bee hair comb.

"This is a miraculous like mine" Hawkmoth pointed to a purple brooch with wings on it "it will give you the power to crush Ladybug and her partner, but know that you can't back out once you take it on."

Chloé thought for a few seconds, if she took it she would join Hawkmoth and she could take her revenge. Chloé took it and put it in her hair, there was a Bright flash and a bee like a creature was floating in front of her.

"Hello, I'm Quene, the bee kwami" the tiny kwami said.

"Seeing as I know who you are, I find it only fair that you know who I am."

There was a bright purple light, gone was Hawkmoth, in her place was Marinette!

"M-marinette?" Chloé stuttered.

"Yes Chloé, it is me, the dear sweet Marinette is, in reality, the evil Hawkmoth" Marinette let out a laughter that sent chills down Chloé's spine.

"So this is why I thought you sounded familiar when I got here, but why didn't you earlier?"

"I never use my real voice when I talk to one of my champions, and I wasn't sure I could trust you with this yet, coming here was all the proof I needed" Marinette gave Chloé a smile "Nooroo, why don't you go and talk a little with Quene?" Marinette said to the purple kwami Chloé first now notice was hovering at her shoulder.

"I'll do that Mistress, she must be a little confused as well." Nooroo flew over and talked with Quene.

"Marinette, may I ask why you became a villain?" Chloé asked picking up her usual confidence.

"When Lila pulled that prank on me I wanted revenge, that's when I found my miraculous, I didn't know what I had found at first, but as soon as Nooroo said I could get revenge and power, that's when I knew what I wanted to do, with my powers I made my first champion steal a lot of money for 'Ms. Cheng' and the day after 'Ms. Cheng bought a little more than half the shares in my parent's bakery and opened 50 more of them over Europe, next thing my parents know is that they are millionaires" Marinette explained.

"And now you can help me get revenge and power, Ladybug and Chat Noir won't stand a chance against us now. Just in case the old fool who gave them their miraculous's finds another one to fight with them, I have an extra miraculous hidden in this mansion."

Chloé were excited now, she could get revenge and she would get it with one of her best friends.

A/N Next chapter will focus more on Adrien and Queen Bee's first appearance to Paris, maybe even on Marinette plans.

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