Chapter 10

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A/N I decided to give you a little treat this week, an extra chapter, so there will be one more on Friday as usual. Please note that this is probably only one of very few times I'll do this.

"Tikki?" Lila said, looking at her small friend.

"Yes Lila, what is it?" Tikki answered, hovering before her holder.

"Aren't you concerned about this, Hawkmoth we could handle, with Queen Bee it was harder, but with Volphina joining them, I don't think we can manage that, they grow stronger every time we fight them!" Lila said, raising her voice.

"Don't worry Lila, you and Chat Noir can handle them, plus there is still one hero miraculous out there, someday somebody will find out what it does, then you'll have help" the little kwami said and nudged her friend's cheek.

Lila still wasn't sure, she would have to talk to Chat about this next time they met.


Friday, a few weeks after Volphinas first appearance, Marinette sat in her room, thinking, she knew that time was of the essence in her branch, she needed to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous before they where either joined by another hero or the began catching up with Chloé, Alya and her own strength. Hawkmoth might always work behind the scenes, but she knew how to fight, she had to learn in case Ladybug or Chat Noir found her while she was transformed and Queen Bee and Volphina wasn't there.

Marinette knew that France would fall with its heroes, they would be defenseless her team, Marinette could practically stroll right into the president's office and kick him out. The countries around France would follow soon after, they might put up a fight, but they could not stop a miraculous holder or one of her champions.

The biggest problem would be the superpowers, like U.S.A. and Russia, she would probably have to go full on invading with the armies she would have at the time. But Marinette knew one thing, she would need to capture China rather quickly, the miraculous was, without a doubt Chinese, having China could help her find out more about all the miraculous, but none of this would be possible if she didn't have Ladybug and Chat Noir p's miraculous.

"Mistress, we have to go, or you'll be late for your meeting with the others!" Nooroo called, snapping her back to reality.

"Sorry Nooroo, I was thinking about what we would do to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous" Marinette gave him a little smile.

Marinette made it to the lair just before the others, they greeted each other on the roof before heading inside, Marinette quickly ordered some refreshments and they began their meeting.

"Alright" Marinette said "we need to plan our next move."

"What do we do next Marinette, you're the brain in this operation" Alya said, petting Trixx who were sitting in her lap.

"We get their miraculous, it will stop them and set us on the path to ruling the world, wither their miraculous we can get ultimative power" Marinette took a small breath before she continued "Nooroo already found out what we need to do to transfer that power to me."

"What will you do with ultimate power Marinette?" This was Chloé.

"Use it for our own gain of course, with this power we can make our miraculous far stronger than they are now, we'll need all the power we can get if we want the world" Marinette took a sip of her tea.

There was a short break of silence.

"How will we get their miraculous?" Alya said breaking the silence "It's not like we can take it from them, we might be more than them, but their miraculous are still better than ours."

A moment of silence once again fell, Chloé didn't dare disturbed Marinette when she was deep in thought, neither did Alya.

"I got it!" Marinette exclaimed "I'll send out a champion to draw them out, then once they defeat him or her, you'll follow each of them and see where they live, once we know where they live we know who they are and then we'll just kidnap someone near to them and get them to give up their miraculous to get them back!"

"Are you sure that it will work Marinette?" Alya asked "wouldn't they get suspicious if we weren't there?"

"Your right" Marinette said "how about your fighting them, then you pretend to have t go and let my champion hold them off, once they defeat him then you follow."

There was a pause as Chloé and Alya thought about it, it was Chloé who broke the silence.

"Its a good idea, it wouldn't hurt to try" she said.

"And if it fails we can just try something else" Alya agreed.

"Then it's decided, We'll do it tomorrow and hopefully have their miraculous by midnight" Marinette said before they all went home.

A/N I've been thinking about something, what if Marinette fell in love with a certain black cat. I've had the idea for some time, I thought that he could save her from something and they she fell in love with him. This might be after Marinette takes his power over bad luck, but the miraculous doesn't loose its powers, she would merely take the power over good and bad luck from them, they could still transform, but no lucky charm and no Cataclysm. Let me hear what you think.

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