Chapter 27

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(The picture isn't mine)

"I want this ball to be absolutely perfect" an illusion of Ms. Cheng said as she walked around the ballroom with 'her' assistant.

"Of course Ms. Cheng" the assistant (I need to find a name, please give me some ideas) said, following right behind Ms. Cheng.

"Younge Marinette has been through a lot lately" Ms. Cheng put a knife from one of the tables in the right position "she deserves to celebrate her birthday."

Marinette sat in her room, controlling the illusion, she was getting better, she wasn't as good as Alya, but she was on her way.

Only two days more, then it would be her birthday, then she would be 16 (The Wikia says Marinette's between 13-15, since we're a year in the future m making her 16).

I was already late in the evening, Marinette made the illusion go to Ms. Cheng's room and then made it vanish. Marinette then went to the bathroom and got ready to go to bed.


Marinette jumped at the sound and turned around. On the outside of one of her windows sat Chat Noir.

Marinette smiled and walked to the window, she then let the leather dressed hero inside. Even though she was in love with him she still had to try very hard not to try and steal his miraculous.

"Hello Princess, I'm sorry I didn't visit after what happened, but I didn't know where to find you after I found your house empty" it wasn't a lie he thought, he knew she had been adopted by the mysterious Ms. Cheng, but he hadn't been able to find the address, the only reason why he found out was because his father and himself were invited for her birthday.

"It's alright Chat" Marinette said, giving him a sad smile.

"How are you holding up Princess?" Chat asked as the two of them walked to her bed and sat down.

"I'm getting better" she answered and looked up into his big green eyes.

"I heard your birthday is only a few days from now" Chat said and handed her a small box "so I thought I'd drop by with a little gift."

Marinette opened the box, inside was a silver necklace with a purple stone attached to it (se picture at the top of the page).

"Oh Chat, it's beautiful!" Marinette exclaimed, earning a smile from Chat Noir.

"I saw you liked purple last I visited you" Chat said, gesturing to her room, wich was covered in purple things "so I thought you would like it."

Chat took the necklace out of the box and moved behind her before he put it around her neck.

"Here you are my princess" Chat said as he sat down next to her again.

Marinette lifted up the purple stone and examined it, it didn't exactly look cheap, it actually looked rather expensive.

"It looks expensive, you didn't steal it, did you Chat?" Marinette asked, she knew he hadn't, but it didn't stop her from hoping he had.

"Of course not Princess" Chat said with a smile "I might not earn anything from being a hero, my family isn't exactly poor."

Marinette looked at her clock, it was getting late.

"You better go now Chat, it's getting late" she said.

"Your probably right" Chat said as he stood up.

Marinette then did something she had never thought she would do, she stood up and hugged Chat.

"Thank you for the gift" she said as she broke the hug.

"Y-your welcome" Chat said before he jumped out the window.

A/N Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was a bit busy. I advise taking a look at my profile, there's a new update schedule, Ill explain there.

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