Chapter 6

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The topic in the news the last few days had, of course, been Queen Bee. they all asked the same questions as when Chat Noir, Ladybug and Hawkmoth showed up, but the biggest question was if Queen Bee could change how the fights ended out.

Marinette knew that it would, her Akuma's could be cleansed, but Chloé wouldn't stop unless she used her special power.

Marinette had thought about Ms. Cheng making a being seen in public at least once and she had the perfect opportunity to do so, she had been looking in a catalog for an auction house, they had a nice collection of old Chinese artifacts, Nooroo had been sitting on her shoulder, but as she went by a picture of an old book Nooroo had flown down to take a better look at it.

"Mistress! It's a book about all the miraculous!" he yelled and flew up to look her in the eyes "you have to get it Mistress, we could learn how to better use yours and Chloés powers!" Marinette looked for a date for the auction, it would be the next day.

"The auction is tomorrow, I could go as Ms. Cheng, then people would finally get to see her"

Marinette thought about how she could hide who she really was, then she remembered that her miraculous fed on the emotions around her, and seeing as the whole of France were scared right now, it would enable her to use a little of her powers outside of a transformation. She could use her miraculous to make an illusion around herself, people would then think she was somebody else.

Fortunately, it was Friday tomorrow, wich meant that she didn't have to go to school and could go to the auction, she would just tell her parents that she was with Chloé.


The auction would start at 7 in the evening it was currently 6.30 and Marinette had already made the illusion around herself, Ms. Cheng was an elderly woman, she had dark brown eyes and long gray hair, Marinette had a white dress on, she had specifically bought it for this occasion. She walked down and entered the limousine that her assistant had ordered for her and drove to the auction house.

As Marinette walked out of the limousine she saw a familiar face standing before the reporters, it was Gabriel Agrest, the reporters were taking a few pictures of him before he walked inside, Marinette walked up to the door and the reporters began to take pictures of her and asking her who she was, she politely answered that she was Ms. Cheng, a Chinese millionaire living in Paris, she was happy that the illusion made her voice sound different to.

Marinette walked into the auction room and found the last chair in the front, right beside Gabriel, she sat down and waited for the auction to start.

"I don't think we have meet miss?" Gabriel started.

"You must excuse me, I must have forgotten my manners, I am Ms. Cheng" Marinette answered calmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Cheng, I am Gabriel Agrest:"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Mr. Agrest." just then the auction began.

Marinette just sat and watched what they sold, she was really only interested in the book, but if something found her eye she would make an offer, alas, nothing found her eye before the book. They had started with 10.000 euro, to her surprise, it seemed like Gabriel wanted the book almost as bad as her, though she were willing to pay more than him and she did, she ended up paying 175.000 euros for it.


When Marinette returned to her parent's house later in the evening she and Nooroo began to look trough it, they discovered that it was written in an old code, fortunately, Nooroo knew how to decipher it.

It wasn't long before Nooroo discovered something he didn't even know about his own miraculous, if you had the butterfly of one of your victims, you could make it turn into the form that the champion had whilst possessed. Nooroo explained that the user would have to be powerful to do this and that the Akuma could not multiply in this situation. Her cane was the source of this ability, Nooroo said that it could probably use electricity as power, but he wasn't sure.

This made Marinette think, with this power she could create villains from old butterflies, it could even be possible that, if she used electricity for this, then she would be able to akumatise somebody at the same time! This gave her new opportunities on how to take over the world. With this good news Marinette went to bed and left Nooroo to study the book.


Marinette was woken by sunlight shining through a window and down onto her bed, Nooroo where lying on the floor next to the book, Marinette grabbed her phone from her desk, it was 9.18 am and she had gotten a text from Chloé, asking if she wanted to meet at her house, Marinette quickly answered that she'd be there in half an hour.

Marinette woke up Nooroo, took on her miraculous and grabbed the book from the floor, she decided to walk to Chloés home since it didn't take long, it was a beautiful day today. The woman in the reception sent her up to Chloé and her father's suite as soon as she saw her, obviously Chloé had told her to.

It was Chloé who opened the door as she knocked and they hurried to her room.

"Chloé, you have to see what I bought yesterday!" Marinette opened her bag and let out Nooroo, she took out the book and gave it to Chloé, she gave her a few seconds to look trough it.

"Marinette! There are drawings of the miraculous in here!" Chloé looked through the book for her own miraculous.

"I know, it was Nooroo who found it, it holds all the secrets of the miraculous, secrets that not even the old fool who had your miraculous knows about. Nooroo has already began translating the code for me."

"Anything useful so far?" Chloé asked.

"Yes, something very useful, before i went to bed yesterday, Nooroo told me that the book said that if I connect a form of electricity to my cane, then I'll be able to turn a butterfly I have used before into the villain it used to be, I can even do this and akumatise somebody at the same time." Marinette said with one of her devilish smiles.

"Does this mean you'll send out two to help me? I could use the help, Ladybug and Chat Noir are stronger than me."

"No" Marinette answered coldly.

"W-why not?" Chloé asked carefully, she didn't want to anger Marinette.

"I thought that it would be best to hide the fact that I can do this, but I were thinking about finding a Volphina to help you" Marinette once again had a smile on her lips.

"How will you do that?"

"Same way I found you dearest Chloé, I'm gonna find some body with a hatred for Ladybug, and seeing as Ladybug isn't exactly friendly towards people, it might take some time, but I'll find one."

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