Chapter 5

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There was something that Adrian had been thinking about for some time now. Hawkmoth had obviously shown up before Ladybug and himself, but how did she get her miraculous? And if her own was so powerful then what did she want with theirs?

"Plagg, do you know why Hawkmoth want our miraculous's?" Adrian asked the the kwami, who was currently sitting on his desk eating a piece of camontberg.

"Her kwami probably told her of the old legend about your miraculous's" Plagg answered.

"What legend?"Adrian asked, it was rare for Plagg to actually answer his questions like this.

"There are legend as old as time itself about the miraculous, the oldest of them is the one of what happens when you combine the cat's ring with the ladybug earrings" Plagg took a short break, "It's said that the one who possesses both will have absolute power, this has only happened once thou" Plagg thought for a few seconds "this person was the first 'god' as the humans called him back then, it's from this that the concept of gods come from:"

"What would Hawkmoth do with these powers?" Adrian asked with worry in his voice.

"It normally depends on why the different villains want, seeing as its Hawkmoth who wants them, it's probably the whole packets."

"What does that mean?"

"Immortality, world domination, things like that."

"So Hawkmoth basically wants to control all of humanity?" Adrian asked, not even daring to think about this nightmare scenario.

"Yes" Plagg answered "some of the previous ones almost succeeded in doing it, but you and Ladybug can stop her. The reason why she never shows herself is that she isn't supposed to fight, even thou she might know how to, a Moth is always pulling the strings in the background, she either akumatises someone or gets one of the other evil miraculous to work for her."

"T-there is other evil miraculous holders?"

"Luckily for us, the other evil miraculous is in the possession of The Grand Guardian, like they should always be."

"Then how did Hawkmoth get hers if The Grand Guardian had it? I don't imagine he gave it to her" Adrian asked.

"The Hawkmoth miraculous has ben lost for nearly a millennium after we defeated the last Hawkmoth, we weren't able to get the miraculous and it disappeared. I can't tell you more than this, you and Ladybug have to figure the rest out yourself, but a word of advice, never take off your miraculous, Hawkmoths kwami can sense an inactive miraculous."


Marinette sat in her lair, waiting for Chloé, it was in the middle of the night. They had agreed that Chloé would come back tonight so they could talk about their next move, Marinette had also made sure to tell Chloé that she was in charge, seeing as she granted her the miraculous.

There was a knock on the door that leads to the roof, Marinette walked over and opened up to see that Chloé had arrived in her new villain's outfit, Marinette quickly pulled her in and slammed the door.

"Chloé! You can't run around in Paris dressed like that yet, especially onto my roof, if somebody saw you here they would tell the police that they saw you here once you have made your first appearance!"

"Sorry Marinette, I just wanted to get used to using before going up against Ladybug and Chat Noir tomorrow" Chloé looked down in shame.

"Next time, transform in the alley next to the mansion, then jump onto the roof, just make sure nobody sees you" Marinette said with her usual sweet voice "now come and sit down, we need to talk about tomorrow."

Chloé had to admit that it scared her a little that Marinette emotions could change so fast, but she followed her to the table they sat at earlier.

As Chloé sat down she noticed that there was a tray of fresh tea, Marinette had already filled both cups and was blowing on her own.

Marinette put her cup down "I have already thought of the perfect way to make your entrance tomorrow."

"What do you have in mind Marinette?"

"You'll cover the Eifel tower in honey, It would get both Ladybug's, Chat Noir's and the media's attention, the whole of France would see you, and I would do the same trick with my beautiful butterflies as I did a few months ago, so they know which side your on" Chloé had to admit that it was the perfect plan, France would fear them both for this.

"It's perfect Marinette, but won't you make a real appearance soon?" Chloé asked.

"I'll do that as soon as we conquer France, but not before that, you'll have to work with my champions until then" Marinette gave her a smile "I'm sure you'll manage, you can, after all, order them around."

"What do I do if Ladybug and Char Noir shows up? I can't take them on my own yet."

"You don't have to take their miraculous, you just have to make sure you win this round."

Chloé looked at a clock hanging above the elevator "I better go now, I'll need my sleep for tomorrow" Chloé stood up and walked to the door "Thanks for the tea Marinette, see you tomorrow."


The next day was as boring as any other day in Marinette's mind, she didn't learn anything new in school anymore, since she became Hawkmoth she had become much smarter than she used to be, the only reason she came was so nobody would get suspicious of her.

The only thing she looked forward to today was Queen Bee's fight with Ladybug and Chat Noir later today. She took a look at Chloé, she looked as bored as herself.

As soon as her driver left her at her house she went to her lair, her and Nooroo took some time just sitting there and talking before they transformed there was still a few hours until the time was right, but she needed to get her butterflies ready and seeing as only had white butterflies she would need to use them instead of Akuma's.

Her pets had, of course, been happy to help her and were already leaving to the area around the Eiffel tower, a group of 5 or 6 at a time.

As the time neared, Marinette turned on the little tv she had installed in her lair, they had planned it so that honey would begin flowing down the tower at the same time as news began. Marinette transformed so she was ready. It didn't take long before there was a picture of the Eiffel tower in the news.

Queen Bee was standing on top of the tower, creating a lot of honey and making it flow down the sides of the tower, she knew it wouldn't be long before Ladybug, Chat Noir and the reporters came. How right she was, she had only been there for five minutes and the news was already there, but she waited until Ladybug and Chat noir would be there to show herself, and they came only a few minutes later, they were talking to an officer down at the foot of the tower, this was the perfect time to show herself.

Ladybug where talking to an officer about how the tower was covered in what seemed to be honey. Then suddenly there was a laughter, so dark sends chills down her spine.

Queen Bee was standing on one of the metal pillars, laughing highly.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, I am Queen Bee, I have come to take your miraculous" all eyes and cameras were on Queen Bee.

"Another Akuma?" She heard Chat say.

"Fool! I am no Akuma, I have my own miraculous, a nice little gift from my new partner."

"P-partner?" Ladybug asked, suddenly hundreds of white butterflies seemed to come swarming to the tower, they began forming a head in the air.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, I see that you have met my new partner," a silky voice said, it was instantly recognized as Hawkmoths.

Chat gulped "Oh no! She found the other miraculous!" Hawkmoths head began laughing and then dissolved into butterflies, the laughing continued until there were no butterflies back and in the confusion, Queen Bee had disappeared.

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