Chapter 17

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Marinette sat in the dining room, eating breakfast by herself. Whilst she ate she thought about what they had been doing the last few months, since they had robbed the transport they had been laying low, taking a little break, they had tried to get Ladybug and Chat Noirs miraculous a few times but without success.

Today was the last day of school before the summer vacation began, they had a few plans for the vacation, not only about trying to get the other miraculous, but also things they had to do in their normal lives, an example was that Marinette, Chloé and Alya all three we're taking a vacation together, their parents had agreed to let them go with Marinette and 'Ms. Cheng' for a trip to London, in reality, they were going to steal valuable from museums to fund their 'missions'.

After Marinette finished eating her breakfast she made her way out to her driver and got into the car.

School was rather uneventful as usual, nothing special, everyone in the class was talking about what they were doing over summer, some were going to parties, some would go to other countries and some visited family.

After school ended Marinette bid her friends farewell and went home to pack her thing for their trip to London, they would be leaving the next morning after all.

Marinette was lying on her bed, trying to think of something to do, it was a bit boring to live here almost alone, of course, Nooroo was here, but it wasn't like when she lived with her parents, she couldn't wait until she could get them back.

Marinette looked at her clock and realized how late it actually was, she had to get to bed soon, she needed to be early up in the morning, they wanted to leave early.


Marinette, Chloé and Alya sat in Ms. Cheng's private plane, talking about what they wanted to do once they were in London, other than the task at hand, an illusion of Ms. Cheng was sleeping on one of the seats, just in case one of the pilots had to use the toilet.

They didn't mention their mission at any time whilst they flew, but once they we're in the suite at their hotel they began talking, well, it was mostly Nooroo and Marinette who talked. They were going to steal artifacts from an exhibit about King Tut, some of it had resently been borrowed to The Louvre, but they didn't have time to get to it before it was transported back to London again, Marinette had even gotten a fine champion out of it. Included in the exhibition was a giant stone tablet with markings of Ladybug on it, they needed to steal the tablet and all the other artifacts for some reaches on what she had been doing there., Marinette had found an abandoned warehouse where they could place everything before putting it back in the museum.

Night soon approached, Marinette would be waiting at the warehouse, she would send a servant with them to do the heavy lifting, finding one hadn't been hard.

Queen Bee and Volphina was at the warehouse a few hours later, they had managed to get everything back with them, they send off the servant and began to examine the artifacts, well, the kwami's did, having existed as long as humanity had they knew many languages, even ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The three small kwami soon discovered that Ladybug had been guarding something back then, something to do with King Tut, but they couldn't really make out what it was before they had to go back to the hotel and catch some sleep.

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