Chapter 20

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"Nooroo" Marinette started "I think we hit jackpot" a smile formed on her lips as she looked at the priceless treasures before her.

"We certainly did Mistress" Nooroo said before flying at the treasure.

Marinette walked a bit around the chamber, there were stashes of gold and jewels the size of houses here. At the end of the chamber stood a pedestal of gold, Marinette decided to investigate.

As Marinette walked towards the pedestal she could see Nooroo flying around, probably looking over the different things. On top of the pedestal was a black jewel the size of Marinette's palm, the jewel itself was beautiful, but why would it be the only thing here on a pedestal in here?

"Nooroo" she called out for her friend "do you know what this is?"

Nooroo flew over to her and Marinette hold up the jewel for him to examine.

"Yes Mistress, I know it! It's a very ancient artifact, it's called The Adversus, it can create a portal to a completely opposite dimension than our own" Nooroo beamed with happiness as he flew around in the air.

Marinette thought it might be useful at some point and stuffed it in her pocket.


Back in Paris Queen Bee and Volphina were jumping across the rooftops, chasing Ladybug and Chat Noir, who hadn't noticed them yet. That didn't last for long though,  Chat Noir heard them land not too far from them.

"Ladybug, behind us!" He yelled and both then turned around facing them.

"Sure took them some time to notice us, don't you think" Volphina started.

"Maybe they've become lazy whilst we were out of town" Queen Bee finished.

This, of course, upset the two heroes a great deal, didn't take long before the sounds of fighting could be heard from the area, but in the end Volphina and Queen Bee had to retreat, they weren't as strong as Ladybug and Chat Noir, especially not wit someone leading them.


"It's time to head home now Nooroo" Marinette called out down in the chamber, it was beginning to get late and she wanted to get back to Cairo before it got too dark, she needed to get home, she needed a talk with her friends, and she was sure they wanted to know what she had found.

"Already Mistress?" Nooroo asked as he flew back to her.

"Yes Nooroo, the others would want to hear about what we found" before Marinette walked up the stairs she grabbed a few gold coins to show her friends when she got home.

As Marinette walked out the door again she could feel the wind blow towards the entrance, caring the sand back with it, soon it was completely covered again and the ring was flowing in the air in front of her, she then headed home again.

When Marinette finally arrived back in Paris the first thing she did was to go home and get some sleep, she woke up late in the afternoon, well rested and a bit hungry, so after a bit of food she called Alya and Chloé, inviting them over for dinner, both happily agreed to come.

Finally, Marinette would get to use her dining room for more than eating by herself,  the house staffs were already making sure everything would be perfect for the night, Marinette also remembered that she would have to hold a birthday party in a few weeks. How could she have forgotten that, her own birthday in under a month and she hadn't even given it any thought. A smile found its way to her lips, she had the perfect idea of what to do with her birthday party.

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