Chapter 9

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Marinette hadn't been spending much time with her parents lately, so she decided that she would surprise them by coming down to the bakery and help them like she used to do before she bekäme Hawkmoth.

"Mama? Papa?" She called as she entered the bakery.

"Marinette? What are you doing here?" Her mother asked from behind the cash register.

"I thought I would come down and see if you needed any help" she said with a smile "plus, we don't spend much time together anymore."

"Why don't you take over from me and I'll go help your father in the kitchen" her mother replied with a soft smile, Marinette then took her mother's place and her mother went out to her father.

Marinette helped out in the bakery for around 3 hours before her parents told her that she should go home and relax, once Marinette got home she went to the kitchen and got herself something to eat before she went to her room.

She found Nooroo in her room, he was sleeping on her pillow, resting for their little 'meeting' later, Marinette stroke her hand over his little head to wake him up.

"Already back Mistress?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"Yes Nooroo, mother told me to go home and relax" she said with a small smile.


After dinner Marinette went straight for her lair, once she got there she let Nooroo research the book again, they still had some time before the others would be here.

It was five to midnight when Chloé arrived, Alya joined them a few minutes later, just as Marinette placed the tea tray on the table.

"I've been thinking" Marinette started "there's still another miraculous out there, nobody knows where it is or who has it and it's been lost for quite some time."

"Do you want to find it?" Alma asked.

"No" Marinette answered quickly "it would be a waste of time, we can't use it, plus its only Ladybug and Chat Noir we need to worry about, I just wanted you to know that we might run into a peacock hero at some point."

"Its nice to know that we might have a harder time later, but what about now? What is our next move?" Chloé asked, Marinette took a few seconds to think.

"I need to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous, that's the main goal, then we can all get our revenge, but the question is how" Marinette stopped, deep in thought before a smile appeared on her face "after you get away from a fight where your not about to transform, try hiding and see if they detransform, we need to know who they are, that all we have to know right now."

The nest few hours where spend with normal cheating and telling Alya what they knew about the history of the miraculous, old legends, appearances in literature, art and history and of course the most recent things like the Guardian of the miraculous. Once Alya and Chloé left Marinette went home to get a good nights sleep.

Monday morning soon arrived once again, Marinette awoke as Nooroo nudged her cheek, telling her that her mother was calling for her. Marinette walked into class, only to be greeted by Chloé and Alya, both giving her small smiles. The day went by quite fast, nothing new in class. 

Marinette walked trough the door to her room and opened her bag to let Nooroo out before placing it next to her desk, the two soon made it to her lair. They hadn't had any plans for akumatising anybody today, they had wanted Alya to settle into her new powers, but Alya had insisted on making an appearance as soon as possible and seeing as Chloé had made her entry rather soon they decided to do it.

Marinette wasn't going to send a champion to fight, Chloé would get their attention and Alya would jump to help her, but Marinette wanted to see ow it went, she would just send an akumatised butterfly, she could easily see what happened with one of them. Marinette transformed and send out to meet Alya.


Queen Bee landed on a roof, Ladybug and Chat Noir had been following her for a little time, they didn't know that she had noticed, she had been jumping around Paris the last 30 minutes, trying to draw them out, now she was just drawing them to Volphina's hiding spot.

She stopped a few roofs from Volphina, this was at he same moment that Ladybug and Chat Noir decided to attack her, she heard them land behind her, she turned to face them.

"Well well well, if it isn't Paris famed hero's" she said with a venomous voice.

"Give up Queen Bee, there's none of Hawkmoth's champions here to help you" Ladybug said.

"Oh, that's where your wrong, Hawkmoth might not be helping me, but I still have help near" Queen be answered with a smirk on her lips, this was Volphina's cue, she jumped from her hiding spot and landed next to Queen Bee "Nice of you to join me today Volphina."

"I couldn't let you have all the fun" Volphina said with a grin on her face.

It was needless to say that Ladybug and Chat Noir were stunned, they just stared for a little, until snapping back into reality, their fight was quite short though, Volphina still wasn't that used to her powers, Queen had to hold them off so she could get away, Queen followed soon after, Ladybug and Chat Noir had to leave, their miraculous began to beep.

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