Chapter 19

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Marinette sat in her suite, swirling the snake ring between her fingers. Her friends were currently putting everything back in the museum, they had done little but look through all the things since they got them, they did a little sightseeing earlier and now they were ready to go home.

Whilst Marinette sat on her bed she thought of what she would be doing the rest of the summer, she wasn't really going home, she would be going to Egypt after dropping her friends off in Paris. Nooroo and her were going to look for the treasure chamber in the desert, whilst her friends would keep trying to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous.

Chat Noir, she had to find a way to get him to her side, she doubted he would join if she told him she loved him, she would have to think of something else.

Marinette heard her friends land on their balcony, they had already detransformed when she looked at the door.

"Everything went well?" she asked standing up.

"Yeah, no one was around and none of the cameras saw us" Chloé said, rubbing her eyes "We should go to sleep, all of us have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."


The next day they went back to Paris, her friends went home and Marinette went to Egypt after the plane was fueled again.

As soon as Marinette landed, 'Ms. Cheng' went to rent a Jeep for the trip, once she had a car she went out o get supplies. Nooroo said that the treasure chamber was just outside of The Valley of Kings, and once they got there the snake ring would sow them the way.

Marinette drove, under the illusion of Ms. Cheng of course, out to the area Nooroo and some of the earlier Hawkmoths had tracked the chamber to be in.

Marinette stepped out of the Jeep, took her backpack and put on the ring, for a few moments nothing happened, but then she could fill it pull her hand to the left. As Marinette followed that direction she could fell the ring move once in a while if she got off track, after five minutes of walking the ring stopped pulling.

"Nooroo?" Marinette said "is something wrong with it?"

"I don't think so Mistress, look at the eyes" Nooroo pointed at the snake's eyes.

Marinette lifted her hand, the eyes were glowing red, then she felt a hard pull and the ring flew off her hand. The ring hovered in the air for a few seconds, then Marinette and Nooroo could fell wind coming from one of the giant mountains of sand in front of them, carrying the sand with it.

Marinette quickly grabbed Nooroo, turned around and closed her eyes, shielding both of them from the sand, after around a minute Marinette turned back around. Where there had been a lot of sand was now a big rock, with a stone door in it, the ring began to flow towards the door, it positioned itself in a small circular hole, Marinette guessed that this was the keyhole, a click was heard and the door began to open.

Marinette pulled out a flashlight and walked over to the entrance, once she got in she walked down a staircase, hieroglyphs decorated the walls as she walked down, at the bottom she found a small channel filled with a lack liquid, oil, Marinette took a package of matches from her backpack and lit one, she then dropped it into the oil.

The moment it hit the oil lit on fire, the channel stretched around in the room, all of it now burned, lighting up the room for her and Nooroo, infant of them was what could simply be described as the biggest collection of gold coins, jewels and ancient artifacts in the world.

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