Chapter 11

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Marinette banged the bottom of her cane against the floor of her lair.

"How could you let both of them get away!" She yelled at Chloé and Alya, pointing her cane at them.

"W-we're  sorry Marinette" they said together.

"Ladybug dove into a metro station and transformed, she must have walked up on the other side before I saw who she was" Chloé said, felling rather scared of her otherwise calm friend.

"And Chat Noir got away near the Eiffel Tower, I wasn't fast enough to follow him" Alya finished from behind Chloé.

Marinette smacked her cane into the floor again before sitting down into her chair and detransforming, Nooroo flew out and sat on her shoulder as she tried to calm down.

"At least tell me that they didn't see you" she said.

"Ladybug didn't see me, she was too busy finding somewhere to transform" Chloé started "and Chat was too long in front of me to see me" Alya finished.

"Good, it would have been a disaster if they knew" Marinette said, still rather upset her plan had failed.

"What do we do Marinette?" Chloé asked.

"Well just have to take the hard way then, if your able to knock one of them out in a fight, try bringing them here, without the other knowing, but take of their miraculous first" Marinette explained.

"Why take them here? Wouldn't that be dangerous?" It was Alya's turn to ask.

"If we have one, the other will do anything to get their partner back, this gives us the advantage of a bargain" Marinette explained. 

The three friends departed and Marinette decided to take a walk around town. 


It was already dark, Marinette was still walking through the city, her mom had called at a point asking her where she was, Marinette replied that she was at a friends. She walked over the street, so deep in thought that she either saw or heard the car coming towards her at high speed   In fact she first noticed it when she was grabbed by somebody and went flying in the air, her savior and her landed on a roof.

"You really should look before you cross the street Princess" she heard a familiar voice say, Marinette looked at her savior, only to find herself trapped in his green eyes, it was Chat Noir.

"Y-yes I k-know" Marinette said, struggling to find the right words.

"You alright Princess?" Chat asked her with a soft smile.

"Y-yes, t-thank you" Marinette replied, still struggling with her words, trapped in his beautiful eyes.

"No problem Princess" Chat offered her a hand "let's get you down from here" Marinette slowly took his hand and he helped her down from the roof "here you go my princess" Chat said as he gently placed her back on the street "will you be okay from here my Princess?"

"I-I'll be fine,t-thanks Chat Noir."

"I'm always ready to help my Princess" with that he left, Marinette now stood back with a warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest, love, she had fallen in love with Chat Noir, one of her greatest enemies and she didn't know what to do now.

Marinette opened her purse and out flew Nooroo.

"Are you alright Mistress?" he asked her, clearly afraid of almost losing her.

"Yes Nooroo, I'm fine, but we might have a problem" Marinette said, looking down at the ground.

"What is wrong Mistress?" the tiny creature asked her.

"I think I just fell in love with Chat Noir, he saved me from getting killed by that car, I just couldn't let go of his eyes, what do we do Nooroo."

"Calm down Mistress; I can't help you with this, all I can say is that you probably shouldn't tell the others, might not end well, you'll have to decide this yourself" Nooroo said, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thank you Nooroo, you always know just what to do" Marinette strike his head before he flew into her purse again.

Marinette then made her way home again, making sure to check before she crossed every road.


In another part of the city Gabriel Arrest sat in his office, looking a peacock themed brooch that his wife used to wear every day, she said it brought her luck, now, a year after she had died, he sat here, twisting her favorite possession in his hands, thinking about his son, Adrian, Gabriel had given him a lecture earlier the same day and hadn't seen him since, needless to say he felt bad about it.

Adrian jumped trough his window and detransformed, plagg went for cheese and Adrian just sat down, remembering things about his princess, it was a known fact that Chat Noir loved Ladybug, but Adrian wasn't, he was more interested in Marinette than Ladybug, especially after Ladybug began being so rude, this showed itself in Chat as well. He might not know her very well, but he knew that she was always nice and friendly, well to anybody who wasn't Lila.

Adrian's thoughts were interrupted by his father walking trough the door and walking over to him, Adrian stood up and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Adrian" Gabriel said and hugged Adrian "your mother's death took hard on me and I tried to drown my sorrow with work, sorrow turned to anger and I brought it out on you, I am so sorry about that" Gabriel sai, hugging Adrian tight.

"I know father, I don't blame you for it, her death took hard on both of us" Adrian said and returned the hug.

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