Chapter 30

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Cold and darkness, that was the first she notices as she regained her consciousness. The bed beneath her was cold as ice nad the room dark as night, with the exception of a few small rays of light from one side of the room, the door.

Ladybug sat up and grabbed her knees, hoping she could save some of her body warmth. She sat there for what felt like hours, her stomach was growling and she needed to go to the bathroom.

After a bit more time she could hear footsteps on the other side of the door. The door was opened and Ladybug shielded her eyes from the light that flooded the room.

"You're finally awake" her jailor said.

It took a few moments to adapt to the light for Ladybug, but as she regained her vision, she looked to the door only to see Hawkmoth standing with a food tray.

Hawkmoth flipped a switch on the wall inside the small room and a single light bolt hanging from the ceiling lit. She then walked over to Ladybug and put the food tray next to her, as well as a blanket.

Ladybug looked dumbstruck, she might be imprisoned in this small room, wich she first noticed now actually had a small shower and a toilet, but her nemesis was being nice to her, she had expected much worse things.

"I wish not for violence, especially when I can get what I want peacefully" Hawkmoth said after noticing Ladybugs confusion.

Ladybug lifted her hand and touched where her mask normally was, it was still there, so she hadn't transformed back.

"You didn't take my miraculous?" she asked, even more confused.

"Don't want to know who you are, as soon as we have both your and Chat Noirs miraculous we will let you go."

"I'm not sure I trust you" Ladybug said warily.

"That I can understand, but it doesn't change what I said" Hawkmoth said and began walking to the door "If you need something, just call, one of us will be here all the time."

Hawkmoth then walked out of the room, shut the door after her and locked it before she walked away.


A detransformed Marinette walked into what used to be the office of the old factory she had bought for the purpose to have a safe place to hold Ladybug. Chloé and Alya were waiting for her inside.

"Do we really have to be nice to her?" Chloé asked as Marinette walked into the old office.

"Yes" she answered shortly "that way it will be easier for us to get what we want from her."

"How long will it be before that?" Alya asked.

"A few days, we need Chat Noir to get worried and look for her" Marinette lifted Ladybugs yo-yo, wich was laying on a table "you two will the look for him, tell him we have her and that he can meet us here, then throw him her yo-yo."

"That would get his attention" Chloé said thoughtfully.

"But we will have lots to do before that time, I think the people of France should see their heroes fall" Marinette said with a smirk.

"Why only France?" Alya started "why not the whole world?"

"The whole world will have to wait a little longer, France will fall, the rest shall watch that."

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