Chapter Four

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A/N~It's back to Sera's point of view now! Enjoy :D

*Now when I say that I want Olivia Wilde to portray Adara, I mean her with dark, DARK brown hair. Not just regular brown, like really dark.

****Pic to the side is Adara**** :)

Another thing! I am so pissed off with Wattpad right now! It went through all of my drafts on these chapters and deleted ALL of the flipping spaces! I had to go through and fix it ALL. So irritating!

~Chapter Four~

You know, if there was one thing I could go without, it'd be blacking out. Because I swear every time I wake up afterwards, it feels like someone hit my head with a hammer or something is compressing my head!

Awaking, it didn't take me much time to remember what had happened.

Don't get me wrong! I still had no clue where I was or how I got here, but I knew it was all because of Aleksandr. I knew he had used those . . . shadows to silence me. A cold shiver came over me at the thought.

As I sat up from a laying down position, I realized that I was on a bed. Sadly, this time it wasn't mine. I found that the whole room was unfamiliar to me. The walls were a shade of dark purple that looked imperial and the comforter and pillows I were using resembled dark lavender. The bed frame itself was made of dark cherry wood. As I came to a stand, I saw that the flooring was made of another type of dark wood.

So obviously Aleksandr hadn't taken me back home like last time. This room was too dark to be from my house. My parents detested such colors. As I began to think of my parents, my worry blossomed. They have no clue where I am! They must be freaking out!

Cautiously but in a slight frenzy, I made my way around the room exploring. I need to get out of here now!

This was obviously a girl's room where ever I was. I doubt a boy would want everything a shade of purple. I actually rather liked it. My suspicions were confirmed when I opened the dark cherry wood dressers to find women's clothing. Everything was folded and pressed neatly to fit inside the drawer in an organized manner. Gazing around again, I noticed three doors in the room.

As I strode to the one closest to the bed and opened it carefully, it revealed to be a walk-in closet that too was filled with women's clothes. Turning to the other two doors I saw that they were at the wall where the foot of the bed was pointing. Using the same easiness as the other door, I opened the one on the left.

This one led to the bathroom. It was one damn fancy bathroom too. As I walked in, the first thing I saw was the long, marble shelf of the sink and the large mirror. Stepping further into the room I noticed the shower with the glass doors to my left. The toilet was on the farthest wall to my right leaving the bathtub against the center wall. It had one step to get in the tub where it had column-like beams on every corner of the tub. Everything was made of the same light marble.

My breath was taken away. This was, by far, the nicest bathroom I had ever been in and that was saying something considering my background.

As I gazed at myself in the mirror, a gasp of horror escaped me. My awe quickly evaporated into ire as I felt rage consume me. That damn fool changed my clothes again! When I see him, he is going to get a piece of my mind!

My floor-length dress had been replaced by a pair of night shorts and a tank top, both of which weren't mine. My hair was surprisingly left alone in the boho crown braid from last night though.

Letting out a huff of air, I left the bathroom and went to the other door that was next to this one. If the other two was a closet and then a bathroom, this one has to be an exit. And hopefully it wasn't locked.

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