Chapter 27.

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Harry's POV

"Do any of you want a drink?" I asked shifting my eyes around my living room.

"Harry." Liam replied bluntly.

"A snack?" I questioned them.

"Harry just cut to the chase!" Zayn practically shouted.

"Fine." I replied sharply before sitting on the sofa with all eyes glaring at me.

"Just fine?" Liam asked.

"Fine, what do you want to know?" I asked fiddling with my thumbs.

"So you and Delilah huh?" Niall asked.

"We're not together." I stated.

"So that fight this morning..." Louis trailed off.

"I was just protecting her." I admitted avoiding eye contact.

"Protecting her from what?" Zayn asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"The jerk that caused me the black eye." I replied sarcastically.

"Isn't that her boyfriend?" Niall questioned, confused by all this conversation.

"He was." I indicated.

"So why did she need protecting?" He asked still confused.

"Because he's a jerk." I said placing a bag of ice on my eye.

"So you got into a fight with him because he's a jerk?" Louis asked.

"No, well yes." I sighed. They all gave me quizzical looks. "He cheated on her, she deserves better." I sighed again.

"But why did you need to protect her?" Zayn asked.

"Because I had to." I retorted.

"Had to?" He questioned.

"Fine, wanted to. Can we drop it now?" I pleaded.

"I just don't understand, you've always hated her..." Liam trailed off.

"Things change." I replied.

"So you're not involved with her, you just wanted to protect her and you don't hate her anymore? I am so confused." Niall groaned.

"She's a good girl at heart, she just puts on a brave face."

"How do you know?" Liam interjected.

"Her parents know my parents, I told you before." I sighed getting annoyed.

"So you only speak to her because of your parents?" Zayn asked raising his eyebrows at me.

"Sort of." I said, fiddling with my thumbs.

"You can tell us anything, we're not gonna judge you." Liam replied sympathetically.

"I don't exactly know what to tell you, my head's all scrabbled up." I admitted.

"Do you like her?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's a nice girl." I answered.

"No, as in like like?" He grilled.

"I don't know." I breathed out heavily.

"You must feel something for her for the need to protect her and fight her battles." He replied.

"I guess." I said massaging my temples.

"I think you do like her you just don't want to admit it to yourself." Niall stated. Everyone looked up at him, he said something which was intelligent and made sense for once.

"Niall, for once I'm going to have to agree with you." Louis agreed, with the nodding approval of the others.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." I said looking down.

"Look, we understand it's hard to get your head around but we're your best friends, we gonna support you through whatever you choose." Louis asked, I love this guy I thought.

"Thanks, it means a lot."

"We better get practicing for our meeting with the record company or else we'll all have to get real jobs." Liam joked.

"Agreed." I replied.

Delilah's POV

"What happened to your face?" My mum almost shouted as I stepped into the car, she grabbed my face in her hands and started prodding it.

"Mum, get off." I said swatting her hand away.

"Who did this to you?"


"Who did it?" She asked getting impatient.

"No-one, I walked into a door." I lied hoping she believed it.

"You really need to be more careful." She replied before pulling away. I sighed in relief; she always trusted anything I said.

"I know." I said, however I wasn't thinking about my clumsiness like she was, I was thinking I need to be more careful in my choice of boyfriends.

"How was school? Apart from walking into a door." She questioned.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Do anything fun?"

"It's school, nothings fun about it." I replied sharply.

"How did you get on with your math test you did the other day?"

"I got a C."

"That's good." She tried to compliment.

"It's not great, I can do better, I just hate maths." I indicated.

"You take after me." She joked, I just rolled my eyes in response.

Before she could nag me anymore about school we finally arrived home and I was out the car before she could even finish her sentence.

"Tea's at 6 tonight!" She shouted as I ran through the front door leaving her on the driveway. I didn't both to reply, I just headed straight for my bedroom like any other day. I tossed my bag on the floor and watch it slide along the wooden floorboards. My noisy entrance woke Charles, who had left a patch of fur on my duvet.

"Do you mind Charles, this is my bed not yours." I muttered to him, not like he could understand. I brushed the fur off my duvet and lurched onto the bed. Charles was quick to join me and hopped onto my lap, making me groan at his ever increasing weight. "Kitty needs to go on a diet." I said in a baby voice, whilst messing with his tail. I started fidgeting around, trying to get Charles to get off, eventually he did after he covered me in fur. I rolled my eyes and brushed myself down. I wandered over to my laptop and popped open the lid before flicking my iPod on. I grinned when We Are The In Crowd started playing, such a good band I thought. I was about to open up tumblr when my mum came barging into my room.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her.

"Sorry." She replied.

"Yes?" I said whilst she stood in the doorway.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Phone call." She finished pointing at the phone.

"Oh, who is it?" I whispered so the person on the end of the phone couldn't hear.

"A friend." She just stated.

"Okay..." I trailed off. I took the phone of her and ushered her out of my room. I rolled my eyes before placing the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, totally clueless to who was on the end of the line.


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