Chapter.16 Honest mistake

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Chapter.16 Honest mistake

"But mom it's on the front cover!" I shrieked, throwing the magazine on the floor. The picture of Evan holding me with my towel slipping wasn't going away.

"Relax Nicole, it's not the end of the world." She sighed, taking in the picture.

"No, just the end of me and Matt." I sighed, looking at the title of the picture, which said exactly that.

"I'm sorry Nic, I feel like it's all my fault."

"Why?" I ased, surprised.

"Because I sent Evan up there. I didn't know you just got out of the shower." She looked at the floor.

"Mom, it's not your fault. Stupid Evan doesn't know how to knock." I mumbled and she laughed.

"Well anyways, don't worry about it. Have a good day sweetie and remember that dad and me are going out to eat tonight with some friends and then to their house so we will be home late. I left some food for you to heat up in the fridge."

I held in my smirk at my parent's stupidity. Leaving a teenager alone on a Friday night. "Okay mom. Have fun. Love you, bye!" I ran out the door as I heard Christina beep outside.

"So do you wanna' explain yourself?" Christina glared at me as I got in the car.

"So I take that as you saw the picture?" I tried to laugh. It came out weird.

She just stared harder.

"Chris, you don't actually think it's true . . . do you?" She didn't say anything. "Wow. I can't believe you."

"Believe ME? Your the one with almost naked pictures with my boyfriend!" She shouted, accelerating the car's limit a little. She got back in control.

"You seriously think I would do that to you?! You think I would cheat on my boyfriend with my best friend's boyfriend?!" I shouted, the people next to us at the stop sign stared at us. I flipped them off as we sped away.

She didn't say anything.

"Christina. Seriously?" I asked, calming myself.

"Just give me an answer. Please."

"No. No I did not cheat on my boy friend or go behind your back in any way. I would never do that to you."

She let out a huge sigh of relief. "I knew you didn't, but . . ."


"But when I saw the picture . . . what WERE you two doing?"

"Evan forgot his phone at my house so I took it upstairs with me so I wouldn't forget about it. I was getting in the shower, but I forgot my clothes so I went back in my room with just a towel. He didn't knock so when he came in . . . we were both a little embarrassed. Then I slipped and he caught me. That's the picture you saw. It was an honest mistake."

"Let's just hope Matt see's it that way." She sighed and I just looked out the window trying to calm my nerves.

I should have known something was wrong when we pulled into the parking lot and there was no one there, just abandoned cars.

I should have known something was wrong when I stepped out of the car and flashing lights didn't instantly surround me.

And I should have put it all together as I saw the mob of chanting teenagers crowded around in a circle.

Christina and I were about thirty feet away, but I could hear the faint chants.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They were all yelling.

I saw two people dancing in the center of the ring . . . facing each other . . . fighting.

At that moment I was close enough to realize why the flashes were not hovering around me back at the parking lot and why everyone was out here on the football field. The flashes and hounding paparazzi were all crowding the movie star about to pound someone's face in and so were the hundreds of other students. Idiots. I'd like to pound THEIR faces in.

Just as I was about to push past the shouting mob, I was pushed out of the way.

"Evan!" Christina screamed in a command-- wait. Did she say EVAN?!

"WHAT?!" I almost hissed. The other students quieted and let me pass. I was pissed and my face showed it if my furious voice didn't. "EVAN! MATT! Stop it!"

"Oh!" Everyone obnoxiously said in unison.

"What the HELL is wrong with you?" Christina huffed to Evan. "Are you that dumb that you're going to fight your best friend? Over what? An accusation?" She was only talking to him, but she scared more than half of the other guys watching this fight. They all thought of that movie with the crazy killer of a girlfriend. Chris defiantly fit the mold right now.

"Christina get out of this. Step aside, I don't want you to get hurt." Evan said as calmly as he could manage, but I could tell he was having touble. His eyes were crazy and he looked like he was going to kill someone. But he looked sane next to-- oh lucky me-- my boyfriend.

"Yeah cause' I'm sure you care so much about her not getting hurt, right? That's why you cheated on her?" Matt sourly shouted. The crowd went back to chanting.

"Evan! Come on! Walk away!" Christina was trying to shout over the mob, pulling Evan out. He shrugged her off, but she kept tugging at him.

I didn't think that trying to pull Matt away from this was the best idea since he looked like he would snap any second. Plus he just accused Evan and me of cheating. So, I stood in the middle of the two testosterone filled boys and did the only thing I could do... Yell at them like an annoying girlfriend.

"Guys! Stop! You look like idiots, fighting over nothing!" I shouted.

"I'd look like even more of an idiot if I didn't beat up the guy who my girlfriend cheated on with." Matt said harshly, staring at me. I automatically felt ashamed, remembering the picture.

"Matt," I almost whispered. "It's not true." A single tear fell down my face as I saw the look in his eyes. He was heartbroken.

I could have sworn I saw a tear slip down his cheek, but he brushed it away before I could really tell. He said something like, "Wish you were telling the truth." Then he suddenly turned into a raging bull, charging at Evan and then Evan charging at Matt. Christina stepped back; she knew there was no way in hell of stopping it.

Before I saw any part of the fight I fled from the field and back to the parking lot. I felt a huge amount of gratitude toward Christina for leaving her car door unlocked. I climbed in the passenger seat, slaming the door quite loudly behind me and stayed there. Not only did everyone in our school think I was a cheater, so did Matt. By the look in his eyes I'm not sure if anything I say would change his mind right now. I felt sick to my stomach and all I wanted to do was cry and call my mom. But, once the tears started falling there was no way of stopping them and that phone call was much too hard to make.


Next part up really soon!!!!

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