What's it gonna be?

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What’s it gonna be?

*Haven’t proof-read. Hope it makes sense:

My phone vibrated. Although I had deleted his number, I still recognized it. Only because Natasha was singing it yesterday, yes, she had learnt his phone number of by heart.

Talking about hearts, my one was beating rapidly.

I looked down at my chest and I could see it beating.

I excused myself from the dinner table. I tried to walk fast hoping that the phone would cut.

I think I answered just as he was about hang up. “Hello?”

There was some silence on the line, unsure what to do, or say, I copied and remained silent too.

“You alright?” Why did his voice some husky and rough, yet so nice like they said it did in books?

“I’m fine Richard.” I didn’t ask him how he was, because quite frankly, I didn’t care (okay, did. But I wanted to appear as if I didn’t care.)

“I’m fine too Satiah.” I cleared my throat.

“You’re really quite you know.” What was everyone’s problem with the amount of words I say?

I played with my nails unsure what to say. “Oh.”

“What you doing?” I was walking up and down my room not sure what to do whilst on the phone, that’s what I was doing.


“I’m finishing my art work.” I cleared my throat again. My heart had now stopped beating because it was anxious, it was beating because I was getting angrier and angrier, but I was passive-aggressive and I really couldn’t get over it. I wanted to ask him who he was to ignore me for nearly 2 weeks for absolutely no reason, then to call me out of the blue! Who was he! Yes you were Richard, and yes you were popular, and hot, drove a nice car, probably lived in a nice car, got all the girls, had the latest phone, dressed the best in college… Ok. So he was a big person, but no! Who did he think he was!

“Oh.” This time Richard coughed. I really did hope I was making him uncomfortable.


“I’m actually busy so unless you have something to say?” I was so glad I cut him off. I had been waiting to do that to someone.

“I was about to say something if you would let me finish.” I closed my mouth feeling like a told off child. “I don’t know what happened between us. But you’re a really cool girl and I wanna squash whatever it is between us.” I looked up at the sky confused. Us? As in plural. As in there was someone other than him that had a ‘problem’?


“So were cool?” I nodded. We were not cool but I needed to plan my revenge carefully.

“So are we gonna talk about what Childish Gambino said about Kayne?” I had forgotten that Richard was a Kanye Stan like me. Although I didn’t want Richard to think that giving me that one line fake apology was okay, I did want to talk about Kanye and what CG had said. I had no one else to discuss it with!

The next day Richard and I were talking as if nothing had ever happened.  I had Art first, and as we both walked into college at the same time we decided to walk to Art together. Of course I hid behind Richard from the security guards. I noticed that Richard had a bandage around his arm. I was going to ask him what had happened but I couldn’t draw up enough courage to ask him. Every time I opened my mouth to enquire about him it would come out as a squeak and he didn’t hear me. Eventually, through my staring at it constantly, he realized that I was thinking about it.

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