Ali Bomaye

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Ali Boamye

I sighed loudly as I sat on the bus. I had honestly thought about bunking today.

I didn’t want to see anyone, I had biology, and Art, meaning that I was going to see everyone. In what seemed like a matter of seconds I was at college, dragging my feet along to my first lesson.


It had now gotten to a point where I had to keep a journal. Why you ask? It’s simple really. My mind could not remember all the ways I wanted to kill nearly every person I knew. My imagination was too vivid for my memory.

There was nothing more that I wanted to do than to wrangle this boy’s head.

The boy in question was not Jason, nor was it Richard, the idiot in this case was Tom.

Now, Tom was a lovely lad when I first met him. I met him 2 years ago when he transferred from Essex to my secondary school. I had seen him around and he seemed like a nice enough person.

Heck, I even went crazy and smiled at him. But now I just bumped into him by accident, I smiled and to my absolute shock, he muttered some profanities and kissed him teeth, at me. How did this happen.

When it was his fault because he was one the phone. At break, instead of going to the toilets (but I would return to my baby soon) I walked down the hill to the local supermarket and bought the first notepad I could find. Maybe not the first, maybe the cheapest one, but I bought one and that's the point. I walked back up the hill. With me, when I was in a bad mood, I stayed in a bad mood for a couple hours, only deferring my anger to those around me.

I walked back into the school building flashing my ID card. Up two sets of stairs, down 1 corridor and I was back in my humble home.

I sighed in relief. I hadn't been here for a while.

I opened my new murder journal and took in that new book smell. Taking out a pen and equipped with anger, I filled the first page in detail about how I would exact my revenge on him.


I heard Jason before I saw him. I was sitting down on my seat waiting for the class to fill up. I was so angry at Tom that I had actually forgotten that I now had a double lesson next to Jason.

I got my books out to make myself appear busy but the closer his stupid voice got the harder my heart was beating.

My only hope was that Jason had drunk something strong Saturday night and couldn't remember, or at least be too embarrassed to bring up. This brought me some comfort, until it dawned on me that Jason hadn't drunk anything, and most importantly, Jason had no shame.

He laughed at something the girl he was with said. He was nearly in touching distance. My heart was on the brink of ripping out of my chest. The butterflies in my stomach were jumping like girls that had just been retweeted by a member of One Direction.

I don't know, I just stuck my head in my bag.

Maybe it was because I had watched the National Geographic last night, but, I, Satiah, literally put my head, in my bag, as is I an ostrich.

I can't even explain why I did it. Maybe I was hoping that was a parallel universe that would suck me up and save for what was to be assured to be a very awkward situation.

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