Chapter 93

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A few months later

Arissa woke up next to Bruno touching his hair as she got out of the bed.

"Ewww...." she said to herself going into her bathroom. She turned on the water to take a shower feeling nauseous. "eww...I'll have to go out and buy a pregnancy test..." she told herself after getting out of the shower.


"Cami...come with me to CVS...." she spoke to her sister on the way home from work.

"Why, Ris?" she asked.

"Because I think I'm pregnant." she told her sister.

" much sex have you two had?" she asked her.

"Too much..." she told her sister. "I guess we had to make up for all the time..." she answered.

"God, that's gross. My divorced sister is getting more ass from her ex than I am from my husband.." her sister answered.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game, Camille..." Arissa answered.

"Okay...let's get you that test." she told her.

Later in the evening Arissa followed Cami and Natalia into her bedroom while Bruno played with Christian and Natalia's 2 year old Pilar.

"Pee on it, Riss...I'm so nervous...." Natalia told her from behind the door.

"I t doesn't help that I haven't been on the pill since Christian was 3...." Arissa said through the door.

"You what?" Cami asked. "Yeah...I just stopped. It was a complete waste of twenty dollars when I wasn't getting any..." she said flushing the toilet putting the three tests they bought on the counter.

Cami put her timer on jumping on the counter watching them. Arissa started biting her nails and Natalia started pacing in the small bathroom.

"What are you going to do, Arissa?" Natalia asked.

"I don't know..I mean...we're doing so much better..but there are still so many questions..." Arissa told her.

"The first one's done..." Cami said picking it up. They huddled around the stick.

"Oh my way..." Arissa responded holding the stick.

"Yeah...and the other two too..." Natalia said picking up the other two.

"'re having more Bruno babies..." Cami told her.

"Oh my god..more Bruno babies...." she gasped.

"Will you watch the kids for a second y'all?" she asked holding the tests in her hand.

"Of course...Natalia and Cami said in unison. They followed Arissa into the living room.

"You don't have any clothes..." Bruno told them. They all shrugged their shoulders.

"Bruno...come talk to me outside...please...." Arissa told him.

" better not be in trouble..." Diego told him.

"I'm not in trouble am I Riss?" he asked her with a smile.

"Naw..." she said opening the sliding door behind him. He sat down on the patio chair taking her hand.

"Riss..why are you shaking? Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I'm...I'm....I think...fine..." she told him. "But, Bruno...." she put down the sticks on the glass table.

"Arissa!" he said the same way she had earlier when she looked at the tests. He glanced over to the inside of the house seeing the girls look away quickly. He saw her eyes starting to water up. "Riss...There is no reason for you to cry, baby. No reason at all..." he said leaning over the table to wipe the tears from her cheek. "I'm right here. I'm not leaving your side. I won't..."

"But, Bruno...we just finally started to figure things out and now this" she said frantically.

"Arissa...if I told you I was happy would you be upset?" he asked her.

"No...because I knew you would be...." she told him.

"Good..because I know you're scared and nervous and worried and all those things you shouldn't be..." he slid his chair next to her. She laid her head on his shoulder not sure what to think. He squeezed her tightly reassuring her that he would be there for her.

"Bruno...I love you." she said through her tears.

"Those better be happy tears, Arissa Eve..." he told her lifting her head up to look into her confused eyes.

"They are, Bruno...they are..." she leaned in toward him as they met in the middle kissing each other. After they kissed they turned around looking into the house where they saw Natalia, Diego, Cami and the kids clapping.

"Oh my god." Arissa laughed with Bruno.

"I think we'll be alright, Riss..." Bruno whispered in her ear.

"I know we will, B."

Official THE END

And they lived happily ever after with their two freaking adorable babies.

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