Chapter 73

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"I'm sorry, baby..." Arissa said putting on her seatbelt on.

"Sorry for what?" he asked her settling into the passenger seat of the car.

"For this and on your birthday?" she responded.

"Shit happens, Arissa. It'll get better." he replied handing her $5 to pay the parking garage attendant.

"Thanks..." she responded to him handing her the money. She handed the attendant the money quickly to ensure she didn't see Bruno.

"Riss..." Bruno started as she turned onto the busy downtown street.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"There is a reason for everything. You just have to let it go at some point. He's in jail. He won't be able to do what he did to you to anyone else again." he tried to comfort her.

"I know..but it's just...I still...feel bad for doing it to him and now're going to have to deal with all of this. And there is no telling what people are going to say to you."

"Fuck 'em, Riss. For real. I'm going to live my life and if people don't like it, they can go fuck themselves. Haters gonna hate...." he smiled at her dancing a little in his seat.

"'s scary!" she told him getting onto the highway.

"I know it is, sweetheart. But it will be okay. Everything is okay now. Everything is perfect. You're here with me, I'm here with you. Robert is out of your life..."

"Bruno!" she yelled grabbing the volume button of the radio. "I love this song!" she started singing Like a G6 loudly, out of tune and off beat. She moved her right hand in a wave motion holding onto the steering wheel with the other.

"What are you doing? Rolling with the homies?" he asked her.

"Yeah. We are kind of in the ghetto..." she pointed to the small old houses with graffiti on them off to the side of the highway.

"Rollin' with the hommmmieeeessss." he started singing dancing with her. The song ended going into a more recent Top 40 song. She turned it down after finishing the dancing.

"What, you didn't want to dance to that one?" he asked her.

"Naw. That one will mess with my swag." she answered laughing at him.

Rissssss...." Bruno said with urgency. "Slooowwww dowwwwnnnnn." he saw the slowing traffic in front of them before she did. She slammed on her brakes as she came up behind a big truck.

"Oh shit." she gasped.

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