Chapter 38

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Arissa settled into the house loving every single minute of his family and their craziness. But, there were so many people around she felt a bit overwhelmed. She was used to being with a family of 5 tops. He could tell she was feeling a little overwhelmed when he found her in their room on her laptop.



"Go for a walk with me?" he asked.

She looked at him with a weird look wondering what he had planned.

"Umm, okay? Give me two seconds..." she said closing the window she was working on standing up next to him. He took her hand gently walking out the back door not being noticed.

"How did they not see us leave?" she asked.

"I'm a master.." he told her. "My parents caught me out past my curfew once...and I did it all the time. Just trust me."

"What a rebel." she laughed at him.

"I know...I know..." he bowed graciously. "I'm just that good."

"Okay...okay Mr. Confident." she grabbed him holding on to his waist as they walked down the street. He rambled about how he missed being home, the beach, the music, and the food...everything as they made their way down to the beach.

"What is this?" she asked him as they walked toward a blanket and a beach umbrella.

"It's my favorite place in the world. Sit down..." he instructed her. She sat down on the blanket to see the most stars she had ever seen in her life. Even though she lived in Texas and had seen stars when driving between her home and Houston they looked different in Hawaii. They were brighter and bigger. "Look over there..." he pointed off to the left to show her a shooting star. "Make a wish..."

"How many wishes have you made here?" she asked him.

"One." he answered.

"No. You've made more." she answered.

"The only one that mattered brought you back to me." he answered.

"Oh....really?" she asked him turning to face him.

"Of course."

"And when did you make that wish?" she asked him.

"Right after you moved out." he told her honestly.

"You went home?" she looked at him confused.

"Just for three days....and I came here...because it reminded me of you...and when you go to run in Santa Monica."

"I'd laugh at you because you're so darn cheesy, Brunz...but I know you're being honest. It's just...I never thought that anyone would feel that way about me."

"Well, it's true." he said leaning into her kissing her with passionate meaning.

"Bruno..." she pulled away thinking about something. "I'm ready now."

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