Chapter 85

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Arissa threw a pile of mail on the table putting Christian down on the floor to play with some of his soft alphabet blocks. She turned her chair around to face him picking up a pile of bills. She grabbed their bank statements just to glance over where they were spending money. Gas, groceries, plane tickets, reimbursements, shopping, baby stuff, baby stuff, groceries, shopping, shopping...Tiffany's, shopping, gas, gas, plane tickets...wait..Tiffany's? She wasn't sure what that was for. She hadn't taken anything there in a long time. She picked up her cell phone to call Bruno.

"Hey sexy..." he answered the phone flirting with her.

"Hey....I have a pregunta para ti..." she said switching into Spanish trying to keep herself from freaking out.

"Que?" he asked.

"Did you go to Tiffany's while you were in New York?" she asked looking at the date which was near the time they were both there.

"I went with Ryan..I bought something for Hope with the card..." he said matter of factly.

"Oh....Okay...." she responded.

" that was it..." he told her.

"I was just wondering..everything else I knew about, B. It just caught me off guard. That's all."

"I'm sorry, Riss..I should of told you." he apologized. "Oh, and I miss you."

"Bruno...I miss...oh shit. I have to go..." she said quickly hanging up the phone running to the baby who was struggling to stand up near the couch all the sudden falling and crying.

"Risss....?" he asked hearing the click.

"Was that Arissa?" Nicole asked sitting next to Bruno.

" was her." Bruno said.

"Oh...." she said twirling her finger through a silver heart necklace.

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