Chapter 9

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"You totally did it." Ryan leaned over to tell her as they were getting drinks. "Did you at least say 'Oh my god, this is great?'" he asked.

She rolled her eyes and nodded her head. He burst out laughing. He then hit Diego on the chest. "Pay up dude, she said it."

"You bet on it? You are such jerks!" she yelled, laughing.

"What did my boyfriend do?" Anna asked handing Arissa a drink.

"Oh, thank you very much..." she said grabbing the drink and taking a sip. "They best I would say Oh my god this is great.'"

"Well, did you?"

Arissa rolled her eyes and laughed so hard that she could hardly breathe.

"So that's a yes? And oh my god, the girl got laid." Natalia hugged her real tight and kissed Arissa on the cheek.

"Where is this hottie anyway?" Natalia asked glancing around the crowded room full of drinkers and partiers.

"Who knows, he was here for a few seconds and then disappeared...." she glanced over to the side of the room to see him with his friends. Why were we separated like that? "I'll be back..." She got up and walked over to him grabbing his hat from his head placing it on hers.

"I thought it looked better with my black shoes." she said to his group of friends.

A few of them shrugged and said in unison, "Yeah. It does, bro."

"Ha! Yes!" she danced around a bit in celebration.

"Dance with me, Arissssaaaaa!" he said matching her off beat dancing. He held her tightly and whispered, "You're a really bad dancer. But I got you."

"I know. But with you by my side I look good doing anything..." she responded getting a chill down her spine as he led her towards the middle of the room where everyone was watching them.

"Why is everyone watching me?" she asked him as he moved in closer to her. "Because you're the prettiest girl on the dance floor, Ris."

"No. That girl is...." she pointed her finger at a girl dancing with some Jersey Shore look-a-like wearing 6 inch heels, a fake tan and a dress 2 sizes too small for her.

"Her?" he pulled away from her and gave her a What the hell? look.

"Yeah, her heels, her hair...why not a girl like that?" she asked him.

He rolled his eyes at her suggestion. "There are a million and one reasons why I am holding you in my arms right now, Arissa. A Jersey tan, 6 inch heels and the ability to fist pump like a champ are none of those. "

"But I can fist pump like a champ..." she laughed.

"I think that's the only thing you can do to a beat, baby." he said leaning in to kiss her.

They danced together for some time, before the club promoter stole him away from her. After taking pictures and being Bruno Mars he came back upstairs. She looks so happy next to her friends. Her smile lights up the room. I can't take my eyes off of her. But I need to understand her. Maybe Ryan or Diego know more about her. I should ask them.

Bruno went over to them and sat down next to her. She wrapped her leg around his, but continued to talk to Natalia and one of their new friends from Las Vegas. He held on to her, but then asked Ryan about her. "Is this the real Arissa? Is she really this self-conscious?"

"Yeah, dude. She's pretty and all, but like we've all said she's quirky. Like there's something there that she's not telling everyone that bothers her. Anna and she are really close, but even Anna doesn't know what it is. "

"Nat and Arissa have known each other since middle school..." Diego told him. "I met her in high school. She's really caring, and friendly and so smart. She's so smart. Maybe it's one of those things. The quirky smart girl things..."

"My ears are burning! Owwww!" Arissa pushed Bruno's leg.

"I just wanted to know more about you!" he whined.

"I can tell you whatever you want, Bruno." she told him leaning her head on him. "But first...but first..I need...I need..another drink."

By 3:30 in the morning Arissa was hanging on Bruno half awake. They both had had too much to drink. She had realized that he got silly when he was drunk, laughing and dancing and he realized that she got loud and happy. They were perfect for each other. The best part, or worst, was that they both drank a lot.

"Come to my rooooom, Brunoooo. Pleassseee." she pleaded as they walked toward an elevator with Phil, Jamareo, Anna and Ryan.

"Only if you promise not to take advantage of me, Arissa." he said stumbling into her.

"I don't think I can promise that." she said leaning on his stumble.

"Okay, drunk birds...." Anna said taking Arissa's key from her. "If I hear too much noise or another "oh my god this is great.." I know where it's coming from. We have to be up at 11:30. I will see you then..." she slid Arissa's key in for her and opened the door. Bruno was holding Arissa's hand leading her into her room.

"Dude, your alarm is already on. We have to be downstairs at 9:30. "

"I got it..." Bruno nodded as the door closed behind him.

"Brunnnnooooo..." she said in a long winded high pitched voice.

"Arissssaaaaaaa." he responded. She is so amazing. I don't even know what to do with her.

"I'm sooo tirrreeedddd." she said taking his hand, pulling him on top of her on the bed. "Owww, that hurt..." she cried as he fell on her leg.

"You did it!" he laughed.

"I know. But it doesn't change the fact that you hurt meeee." she fake cried.

"I'm sorry, baby." he said kissing her cheek.

Suddenly her expression changed, Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. No. No. Stop. Stop. Now. Get out.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" he said looking at her with the same concern he had when they talked on the phone a while back. Today was so good. What did I do wrong?

"Sleep with me?" she asked him. She stood up running to the bathroom to get her pajamas.

"What just happened Arissa?" he walked over to her grazing his fingers on her hips.

"I don't want to talk about it when we're still kind of drunk." she said turning to him. "But I do want to tell you. I want to tell you everything."

"Promise?" he said comforting her with a sweet hug and a kiss on her head.

"I promise."

"Go get changed, sweetheart." he watched her walk toward her suitcase grabbing running shorts and a cami.

"You are so darn cute." he told her as she walked out of the bathroom with her hair in a ponytail without any make-up on.

"You are too." she said kissing him gently.

"Come sleep with me...." he led her to the bed wrapping his arms around her. She flipped the switch on the side lamp finding a perfect place in his arms instantly. It's so right.

"Good night, Bruno." she whispered to him.

"Good morning, darling."

She smiled closing her eyes not waking until the sun came up.

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