Chapter 71

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They walked back into the courtroom where Jenna was seen flipping through he iphone.

Arissa paused before taking the seat next to her lawyer. She couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen after Bruno told her that he would do whatever it took to ensure Robert was in jail. "Jenna?" Arissa asked.

"Oh, y'all are back... " Jenna said caught off guard.

Arissa looked at her husband trying to read his reaction. She knew he was nervous, but it was more of a calm was the same types of nerves he had before performing. She smiled at him trying to comfort him. He didn't take his eyes off her. That's kind of creepy. He never should have told me he looks at me when he's nervous. Now all I will see is him looking at me weird..."Yeah...Bruno...." Arissa paused trying to think how she was going to feel after she said what he had decided. "He'll do it." No, it feels horrible. He shouldn't be doing this. "Bruno...don't you think he's winning if you accept the charges..." she asked her husband.

"No, no. He isn't No he isn't. Just please, try to understand."

"I am trying..but it's still hard."

Arissa...we were going to lose the case. He admitted to doing this to you. It's honestly, the only way for this to work out..." Jenna told her.

"I know we were going to lose. It still doesn't mean I'm happy about it." Arissa told her friend.

I know, hun. But let's just....just do this and things will get better....okay?"


"Bruno? Arissa asked as she drove on the highway home.

"Yeah?" he answered her.

"How do you not melt wearing leather and a long sleeve shirt?7 It's like 90 degrees..."

"What?" he asked her back.

"Seriously!" she poked at the jacket he had thrown on over his button up white shirt he had on at court.

You gotta protect yourself from the sun. You don't want cancer..." he told her.

"I'm serious!" she told him.

"How do you wear dresses like the one you're wearing right now without having hoards of men hitting on you?" He asked her.

"Shut up! I hate it when you're vague like that." she rolled her eyes at him.

"'s really to cover up my arms. "

Really?" she asked. Actually...I can see that. He wears the jackets when he wants people *to *take him seriously..."I guess I see it." she responded touching his arm. "But you don't have to do that around me, boo." she said sweetly.

"I wear them around you because I know it drives you crazy" he told her pinching her cheek.

After going to a small Indian restaurant for dinner, the couple went over to Anna and Ryan's house to catch up. They stayed there well after 2 in the morning. When they arrived at Arissa's parents' house they opened the door slowly to make sure they didn't wake them up.

"Shhhh...." she told him as he closed the door behind them.

"I am being quiet! You be quiet, missy. " he told her grabbing her waist.

"Stoooppp!" she quietly said to him as they made their way into her bedroom. It hadn't changed much since she left 9 years earlier for college.

"* really had a thing for Hanson..." he said sitting on her bed grabbing an old Taylor Hanson biography."

"I would leave you for him." she told him. "But he has too many kids..." Arissa thought out loud. He rolled his eyes at her throwing himself on the bed next to her.

"Arissa, that makes me cry." he said sniffing.

"Don't worry. It's only a dream." she told him turning off the lights curling up next to him as he wrapped his arms around her like he always did.

In the middle of the night Arissa felt Bruno toss and turn from side to side. It wasn't like him to sleep like that. Oh...I know he's stressing about this...she thought to herself unable to fall back asleep.

Bruno found himself walking down a street with Phil and Ryan on a sunny day. He had a bag in his hand from Fred Segal. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Arissa walking on the other side of the street. "I'll be right back..." he told his friends crossing the quiet street *get to her. He yelled her name several times. "Riss!" he screamed. She turned around looking at him perplexed. She was walking with Tatiana.

"Did you hear someone call me?" Arissa asked her friend.

"Yeah...I heard it..." Tatiana said turning her head. "Oh my..." Tatiana responded.

"What?" Arissa responded.

"Bruno Mars is calling your name..."

Arissa looked at Tatiana with a confused look.

"Who? What?" she asked turning around.

*"Arissa! Wait!" he said coming up to her touching her hand. She pulled her hand away from him quickly.

"Umm....hello." Arissa answered.

"Riss...why didn't you come out with us?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" she continued to be utterly confused. Why is she acting this way? It's like she doesn't know me. "How do you remember my name?" she asked him.

"Umm what?" Bruno matched her confusion. He glanced down at her hands to see no ring on her finger.

"You met me for five seconds in Houston...I'm flattered you remember me..but...umm..why the urgency?" she asked him.

"Arissa...I need to save you..." he told her.

*"From what?" she asked him.

"From everything, Arissa..." he said grabbing her hand.

"Umm...I'm fine right here..." Arissa said turning back to her friend who was equally as confused.

"Arissa! You're my wife...I need to save you from him!" he yelled.


*Bruno! Wake up!" Arissa said softly to him.

"Huh? What?" he said with his eyes closed. "I had the weirdest dream..."

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