Chapter 59

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"You have to tell me where we're going Bruno!" Arissa pleaded with him on the way to the airport.

"You'll see son enough, baby doll." he said kissing her on the cheek while they waited to turn on to the highway.

"You drive me crazy, Bruno. Actually, no you drive me beyond crazy."

"I think that's why people get married, Riss. So they always have someone to drive crazy. It's not about the sex, or the partnership, or the love. It's just about knowing that there will always be someone there for you to drive absolutely crazy." he laughed at her.

"Well, if I didn't have those things I wouldn't have married you." she told him.

"What? Are you saying I'm only sex and love to you?" he asked her.

"Umm...yeah? The crazy part I could live without."

"When you took that ring..." Bruno held her hand holding it up in the air. "You committed to my craziness. Foreveeer. Foreveeeer." he joked.

"I don't remember that being in my vows, boo." she smiled.

"Then you have a bad memory, because the first thing you told me was, 'I'll be with you forever, even if you drive me crazy.'"

" know what? I actually remember that now. And then you kissed me. And I forgot." she laughed putting her hand down.

"I love you." he told her.

"I love you too, Bruno."


"London? It's rainy and gross there. Why would you tell me to pack my bikini?" Arissa asked him looking at the e-ticket on his blackberry.

"Don't be stupid, Arissa. It's a connecting flight." he punched her in the shoulder.

"Ouch. That hurt, a lot."

He hugged her telling her he was sorry. "I'm sorry." he said giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Oh stop it." she said walking through the security line.

"We need to scan you ma'am..." a security guard said.

"oh...okay?" Arissa said looking back at Bruno.

"They better not be checking out your boobs, babe. Those are mine." he squeezed her hand as she walked through the device. As she walked through the other side a familiar looking man handed her all her things. He smiled at her. Oh my god. What the flying fuck? Why would he be here?

"Oh...umm...thanks?" she questioned the man...Robert.

"Riss...we're going to be late...come on..." Bruno said running up to her catching their death stares.

"Come on, baby doll. Come on..." he pulled her gently away from her ex.

"What the hell was that?" she asked him.

"Hell if I know. You'll never see him again." He felt her mood change as they continued to walk toward their gate.

"I don't know if I want to go to this mysterious regal place now." she said quietly. He stopped in the middle of the airport after she finished her statement.

"We don't have to if you don't want to..." he told her. "But I know you'll like's somewhere you've always wanted to go. And it's just you and me..." he said pointing to himself and then at him. As he said that she could feel everything disappear. They were the only two people in the room. The music was gone, all the other people were gone. It was just the two of them.

"I'll go if you tell me where we're going."

"Then I guess we're not going..." he turned around on his heels facing the other direction. "Let's go home, sweetheart."

"But if we go that way, we'll see him again..." she started to think out loud. Bruno knew that was his only out. They would have to see him again and he wasn't sure what he would do to him if he had to see Robert again. The first time he punched him he was just starting to fall in love with Arissa. He only knew bits and pieces of their past. The more he found out about her, and him, the more he just wanted the guy dead and buried.

"I need a final answer, Mrs. Hernandez..." he said glancing up at the big electronic clock.

"I want to...I want to..." she thought.

"You already got your 50/50, Arissa. I need an answer." he told her.

"How much time do I have left?" she asked him as he turned back around facing her.

"10 seconds..." he held up his watching mentally counting down the seconds. "3 seconds..."

"Okay..." Arissa started.

"Your time is up, Riss."

"Let's go."  

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