Chapter 65

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"Riss?" Bruno flung his hand over onto an empty bed.

"Where are youuuu?" he whined. "I'm totally DTF..." he got up from the bed looking for her. "Arissa?...Oh..." he found a note on the counter.

"I went for a run on the beach. I'll be back in like an hour. I don't have my phone. I'll be okay. Love you."

"Well fuck it. I'll just go back to bed." Bruno went back into the room stretching out in the bed.

He went back to sleep only waking up when he heard the door close loudly. "Damnit...shut up, door." Arissa said quietly.

She walked into the small kitchen grabbing a bottle of water practically finishing it in one gulp. She threw it in the trash, grabbed a banana and walked into the small bedroom.

"I'm sorry I closed the door so loud." She said looking at Bruno who was just stretching to get up.

"I needed to get up." He told her. "I also needed to see my smokin' hot wife." he said standing up kissing her.

"Eww. That's gross, baby. You got all my Seychelle sweat all over."

"Deal with it." he said kissing her again.

"Shower..." she told him running into the bathroom.

"Babbbyyyyyy....come bacccckkk." he whined.

"Five minutes." she told him.


Bruno watched Arissa get dressed while he pretended to check his e-mail.

"Stop pretending to watch me and just over here." she told him. He laughed at her walking to her wrapping his arms around her.

"How far did you run?" he asked her.

"5 miles. There were mile markers." she told him as he moved in so close to her that she could feel him breathing.

"I don't know how you do that. I'm dying at 2, sweetheart."

"I don't know how you do half the things you do, Bruno." she answered moving in as close as possible to him. He started singing the song he had shown her in the studio. He started dancing with her through his singing.

"Riss...just follow me..." he told her.

"Bruno...I can't do it. I can't dance." she laughed at him. He put his hands on her waist moving away a little so he could move her to the beat he was thinking of.

"Yes you can." he told her holding on to her moving the same way she was.

"Wait...stay right there." he told her.

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

"We need can't learn how to dance just to my voice." he told her.

"But I want to learn to dance to your voice..." she told him.

" need music." he told her pulling out his ipod changing it to his demo version of Runaway.

"Aww...I like that one." she smiled at him holding out her hand. He spun her around bringing her in close to him.

"Now, just follow everything I do, even my feet." he told her.

"But then I can't see your face."

"Just do it, Riss. " he said pulling her to him. She started moving her feet with his stepping on his toes.

"I'm sorry." she told him. He laughed at her moving her in to him again. AfterRunaway ended his ipod transitioned into I Swear by All 4 One. "Bruno....this song. It's perfect." she said moving to the beat of the song. When she finally started to feel the way he was moving he stopped dancing to kiss her.

"I knew you could dance." he told her. "And you look damn sexy doing it."

"Stop. You're going to make me blush." she answered as he picked her up spinning her around the room. "Oh my god. I'm going to be sick. Stop spinning me arounnndddd." she screamed.

He placed her on the couch laying down on top of her to kiss her again.

"'re going to make me walk like an old lady."

"That's what I wanna hear!" he said lifting her back to take off her shirt.

"But I won't mind it..." she said sitting up so he could take off her shirt.


"Riss...wake up..." she heard Bruno's voice in the middle of their flight back home.

"I'm awake..I'm awake..." she said startled.

"We're home..." he told her.

"Oh my gosh. I cannot wait to sleep in my bed..." she told him."I don't know how you stay away for so long..." she looked at him rubbing her eyes.

"The only thing that really bums me out about it is that I can't sleep next to you." he told her.

"Shut up! You're cheesiness knows no bounds."

He shrugged his head. "I know." he smiled at her.

As they walked toward the baggage claim area a few people snapped pictures of them. He grabbed her hand tightly to make sure she was okay. "I'm okay. At least I have a tan now." she told him letting go of his hand. They stood by the luggage area for a few minutes along with the rest of the bicontinential passengers.

"I'll get 'em Riss...go sit down." he told her.

"I'm fine right here." she said bumping into his side. He put his arm around her shoulder squeezing her tightly.

Arissa turned her head to survey the crowd.. She crinkled her nose seeing that familiar face again.

"What is it?" he asked her. She moved her hand from his pointing in his direction.

"Ignore it. Don't look at him." Bruno told her. "He's not here. It's just you and me." he tried to reassure her.

"It's weird, Bruno." she told him. "Really weird." Bruno led her to the other side of the crowd.

"Can you see him now?"


"Perfect." he told her grabbing their suitcases as they rolled by.

"Let me take mine." Arissa said taking her pink and black suitcase rolling it next to Bruno. She held her head down as they made their way to the door.

"Arissa..." she heard Robert say to her.

"Don't do it, Rissy." she heard Bruno say under his breath.

She shook her head no.

"Arissa...please..." she heard him plead. He ran up behind her to stop her.

"Jesus Christ, Robert. Just get away from me." she said to him.

"Just please, let us go home." Bruno said to him keeping his calm.

"Arissa...I'm sorry. I need you." he said quietly.

"I don't need you. I never needed you. You need to go back to wherever you are working. And please, just stay away from me...and from my life...forever."

"Arissa....I won't give up." Robert told her.

"You're fighting a losing battle, Rob." Arissa replied pushing past him to get through to the door. "Come on, Brunz. Let's go."

Robert ran out the door to get her.

Arissa touched Bruno's arm making sure he didn't do anything he would regret. "'s go...." she said pulling his arm. "Please...please..." she begged him. They gave each other the same death stares that she and Robert shared nearly 2 weeks ago.

"You're not even worth it, bro." Bruno told him letting Arissa pull him away.

As they made their way to the car Bruno started to talk. "I swear to God, if I ever see him again, Riss. He won't even remember what he did to you."

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