Chapter 82

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Arissa struggled to get out of the bed the next morning for work. She got up carefully and quietly trying not to make any noise in her fancy dress.

"Shit, how did I sleep the whole night? " she asked herself wandering into the bathroom. She finished getting dressed, taking a quick shower blow drying her hair. She put on light make-up, a leggings, a long t-shirts reminiscent of the 1980s and a pair of flats for work. She glanced at herself in the mirror. "Damn, I'm hot..." she told herself sarcastically."But at least my baby will be hot..." she finished opening the door seeing Bruno sprawled out on the bed. She wandered into the kitchen making herself yogurt and toast for breakfast. She took the food to the couch to watch the morning news. She knew he would wake up soon to come and see her....she glanced over to their bedroom waiting for him to get up. By 7:45 she had given up. Struggling to get off the couch she sighed heavily putting away her breakfast. As she bent down to close the dishwasher she felt him touch her. She jumped scaring both of them.

"Good morning, beautiful..." he told her laughing at her reaction.

"You were scared too, Bruno!" she responded kissing him on the cheek pushing herself out of the way. "Your hair is cute today, B. Keep it that way..." she told him as she started to walk toward the door with her purse and prenatal yoga bag in her hand. "You're coming tonight, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it" he told her flashing a huge smile.

"Okay. I'll see you then, B." she said blowing him a kiss as she closed the door.


Three weeks, 7 yoga classes and 5 parenting classes later they sat in the doctor's office. Arissa was 4 days past her due date of March 14th. Even though Bruno could put up with a lot of her complaining and whining, it was getting a bit out of control. They both needed that baby out...and fast.

"She better say she wants to induce me...." Arissa complained as he flipped through his text messages.

When are we going to see this kid?

Arissa is like a year pregnant. Get that kid out, Bruno...

We can't wait to see him! Today better be the day!

"If she doesn't induce you....I will, Riss.." he told her.

"We tried that....yesterday...and the day before...and the day before that..." she said with a sad face.

"Don't be sad, baby doll.." he replied standing up in front her to run his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

"We're not having any more kids...and I haven't even had this one yet..." she responded to hm.

"Oh come on, Riss. You're being a drama queen." he looked into her eyes. "I know you want to have 12 of my babies..." he said holding up his hands.

"That's only 10 and I'm cutting you off at 3..." she told him.

" you win. It's 3..but tomorrow..." he winked at her sliding his chair next to her watching the door open with Dr. Benson welcoming them..hopefully for the last time.

" you're having this baby boy today..." she responded to their looks.

"You are my hero..." Arissa said.


Bruno watched Arissa sleep late in the evening. Her mother and sister ran to McDonald's to get something to eat while they waited for the baby to come. All of his siblings had come and gone except for Eric who had talked him through the last three weeks of Arissa's horrible mood swings.

"Does she always sleep that soundly?" Eric asked him.

"We both slept through the last earthquake..." he told his brother.

"That big one that knocked down the TV?" he asked.

"Yeah...that one. We're going to need some giant mother fucker to keep us from sleeping through the baby crying..." he laughed.

"You won't be able to sleep through the baby, bro. I promise..." Eric reassured him.

"Bru...." he heard Arissa's voice. "Can you get me some water?" she asked him.

"Of course..." he handed her the big water bottle they had brought with them.

"He is so beyond fashionably late, guys.." Arissa commented after taking a sip of her water putting in on the table next to them.

"The best things in the world are the ones you have to wait for, Riss..." he told her reaching over to her hand kissing it lightly.

"Shut the hell up, Bruno..." she snapped at him. As she finished yelling at him the doctor came in.

"Arissa...are you ready to push? You're 10 centimeters and fully effaced."

*"Oh my god...yes...please..." Arissa said. "I want to see my baby...." she responded. As she finished the statement her sister ran in the room.

"I didn't miss the baby did I?" she asked.

"He's still in there, sissy...but not for I won't say that..." Arissa finished.

Bruno held onto his wife's hand looking into her bright determined green eyes the whole time. He bent down next to her between every push to remind her that she was the most amazing woman in the world.

" there a record for how long a girl can push before the baby comes out?" Arissa asked after thirty minutes of pushing.

"Arissa..." the doctor gasped as she held her hands up with crying baby in her hands. Bruno and she gasped in shock. The nurse handed Bruno a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord.

"Oh my god...he's ours...." Arissa said taking the wrapped baby from her husband's hands holding him on her chest.

"Christian Peter Hernandez...." Bruno said looking at his wife and son. Arissa turned to look at Bruno who had a single tear coming down his cheek. She reached over to wipe it off his face smiling at him.

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