Chapter 78

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"Bruno, I'm scared..." Arissa said on the plane on their way back to Texas."

Arissa, you're always scared. Everything will be fine. Brad already told us what I'm getting." Bruno reassured her.

Yes, I'm scared about that...but I'm also scared about my parents." she responded.

"Baby, they're going to be so happy." he responded.

You're right..but it doesn't mean I can't be scared to tell them..." she replied.

"We're going to walk into the house and say, 'Hi, I'm having Bruno's baby.' and that will be the end of it." he explained how simple it was. She knew his experience with his family would help her calm down.

"I'm glad you see it that way." she answered.


"Hey there loveerrrrs!" Anna called out to them at the airport. "Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am! We're ready to goo." Arissa responded hugging her. "

They threw all their travel gear in Anna's 2006 red Ford Focus. Arissa and Anna sat in the front while Bruno tried his hardest to stretch out in the back.

"Anna, I need to buy you a new car. "

"As long as it's a Lexus." Anna answered his comment.

"Alright. Let's go..." he laughed at her. Bruno pulled out his phone checking e-mails ignoring their girl talk. He was in his own world when suddenly Anna screamed his name.

*"No way! Hell freaking yes. And if it's a girl you're naming her Anna, right, right?" she exclaimed.

"I'm only 12 weeks pregnant, Anna Banana. There is plenty of time to decide on naming our first born after you."

"No, we're not naming our child after a girl who drives a Focus." Bruno chimed in.

"I thought I was going to be driving a Lexus soon." Anna answered.

*"In your dreams, lady." Bruno smiled at her in the rearview mirror.

"Why didn't you marry me, Bruno? If you keep smiling at me that way your wife is going to have to fight me for you."

"Stop flirting with my best friend, Bruno!" Arissa turned around to hit him on the arm.

He laughed at her response. "Don't worry, Anna. If Arissa decides to leave me for Taylor Hanson, you're my go to get it girl."

"Ugh! I'm not a whore, Bruno!" Anna answered him.

*"You gotta be a freak for me, Anna. I don't know if you have it in you." he flirted.

"She had to have learned it from somewhere." Anna raised her eyebrows at him.

"Oh my god...should I just find someone else to take me to my mom and dad's house while you two hook up?" Arissa responded sarcastically.

"No, no, Rissa. I'm sorry." Anna told her.

Bruno made a sad face at Arissa. "You'll always be my get it girl, Riss."

"Damn right." Arissa answered.


"Why are you guys only here for three days+?" Cami asked during their family dinner.

"B has to go to Canada..." Arissa told her sister.

"Canada, huh?" *Arissa's dad, Jack, answered.

"Yeah. We have a few shows scheduled there. "

"He bought a snazzy coat to wear." Arissa told her dad.

"I had a ton of snazzy coats when we lived in Windsor." her dad answered.

"When did you live in Windsor?" Bruno asked. He still didn't know much about her family.

"For a few years, middle school." her dad answered.

"That's why he's such a bad ass hockey player." Arissa complimented her father.

"Until mom told him he couldn't play anymore because he broke his nose." Cami told Bruno.

"My wife has me under her spell," Jack answered. "But I can see that my daughter has you under her spell too."

"It's genetic." Arissa answered.

"I would have to agree." Bruno told them touching her leg.

"Oh, mira, I didn't show you the pictures from the trip..." Arissa said grabbing her phone. "He tried to kill me by making me go bungee jumping.:

"Whatever, Riss. You tried to kill me by going first." he laughed at her.

Kelly flipped through her daughter's phone stopping on one picture. She flipped the phone forward showing the whole family the ultrasound picture. "When were you going to tell us about this? Oh my gosh! We're having a grandbabbbbyyyy!" Kelly exclaimed.

"Surprise?" Arissa said nervously.

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