Chapter 22

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"Oh my god. Owwwwwwwww owwwww owwwwww." Arissa pushed him out of the way to get to the sink. She started to cry. Bruno leaned over to see her left hand was bubbling.

"We have to take you to the hospital Arissa. That's bad..." he cringed at the sight of her left hand getting redder and bubbling. She looked at him with no words coming out. She nodded her head.

" hurts....pleaseeeeee." He turned off the stove wrapping her hand in ice and dish towel she had on the counter. He grabbed her other hand in a hurry to get her to the hospital. She directed him to the hospital which was only 5 minutes away.

He parked her car as close as possible to make sure she didn't have to walk so far. They ran inside.

"Excuse me?" he went up to the first nurse he could find. She turned around to look at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"My fiancé...she burned herself. She has to be seen now." The nurse looked at Arissa, her face red with the towel wrapped around her arm hanging on him in tears.

"Oh honey..." she responded calmly. "Unless you're a Spur or Eva Longoria you're going to have to wait for a while...but first give me this ice. That's making it worse...." Bruno handed Arissa's arm over to her to get the ice to her. Fuck, where is Eva when I need her? Bruno thought to himself.

"Oh thank youuuu." Arissa's red face suddenly went from burnt red to bright blue. The nurse looked at Bruno urgently.

"Catch her...." Arissa fell sideways toward him. He caught her a few feet before she hit the ground.

"Oh my god!! That's Bruno Mars!" a little girl screamed as the nurse grabbed a colleague to get a wheelchair for Arissa.

The other nurse stopped dead in her tracks after hearing Bruno's name.

"Just help her!" he yelled at them. "Please! I need her!"

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