Chapter 36

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Arissa laid on her bed in a pile of clothes. "Shit. I have to unpack...but there's no one or any reason to put these clothes away...: " she started talking to herself. She took off her sweater wearing only wearing a cami and her jeans.

"Riss..." she heard behind her. She jumped about 10 feet in the air shocked by whoever was behind her.

"Woah!" she exclaimed turning around to see Bruno wearing a navy pea coat, green sweater with a red plaid button-up underneath it. "You weren't supposed to be in LA for another two days..." she looked at him shocked running to him hugging him tightly. "But that's okay..." she whispered in his ear.

"I didn't think you'd be upset about it...." he pulled away smiling at her.

"But how did you get in?" she looked at him confused.

"You're so was under the mat. Silly. I could break in anytime I wanted to..." he laughed at her.

"Oh. I guess I need to move that...." she thought out loud. "But then I'd forget where I put it when I need it..."

He stopped listening to her opting to kiss her instead of answering her thoughts. I don't remember what I was going to say. I have no idea what I was doing before this. Oh my god. Arissa thought to herself as he wrapped one arm around her pulling her closer running his fingers through her hair with the other. "You smell like mangos...." he told her.

"You smell like earth..." she answered giving him quick kisses on his lips bringing him closer to her. She moved her hand up to throw his hat off his head grabbing a fistful of his hair as his head lowered to kiss her exposed collar bone. She moved her arms to get her shirt straps to come down slightly.

"Woah. How did you do that?" he asked her as he moved his head up to look into her eyes.

"Practice..." she told him seductively. "Well, no...I think the shirt's too big...." she told him honestly.

"No, babe. It was practice." he said running his fingers against her arms making her tingle. "You really turn me on..." he told her moving back to take off his sweater.

"More like I'm making you hot..." she bit her lip moving in to unbutton his shirt. After the shirt came off he pulled off her shirt to see her nude bra. Woah. I think she's lost more weight. That bra is so hot....

"You are so hot..." he said moving in toward her to kiss her again. His arms went up her back unhooking her bra. As they pressed against each other she felt his heart beating faster than she ever had felt it beat before. She pressed herself into him as he moved her to her bed.

"There's too much on my bed..." she told him.

"We can change that...." he turned around pushing all the clothes onto the floor.

"You're doing my laundry..." she responded pulling him onto the bed on top of her. His hands went over every part of her body. She pulled him as close as possible without being together. "Brunnnoooo...I love you. Oh my god." she told him quietly.

" are so amazing." he breathed between his passionate meaningful kisses.

"Bru...please. I need you...." she pleaded with him. He pushed himself up slightly to please her. She screamed loudly as he moved towards her. She could feel every last bit of his body on and in her. Oh my god, oh my god..."Ohhhhhh.Do it again, Bruno. Do it again...." she instructed him. He answered her by moving in against her over and over again. He felt her tense up in the same way that she did in the shower. She laid her head toward his shoulder biting gently on it keeping herself from screaming again. He rolled over off of her kissing her lightly.

" are so good at that." he told her.

"No. You are." she answered him.

"Fine...we're both good at it..." he kissed her again, this time slowly and romantically. She melt her legs melting from underneath the sheets.

"You make me melt..." she told him as he finished kissing her.

"Well, I think I already knew that..." he licked his lips getting up throwing her his shirt. Arissa put on his shirt running to the bathroom. When she got out of the bathroom she saw him off to the side of her bed folding the clothes they had thrown off the bed.

"You don't have to do that, Brunz. I was going to do it in the morning..."

"When at like 5 in the morning? You work tomorrow." he responded continuing to put away her clothes neatly. "Lay down..I know you're still two hours ahead." he patted the side of the bed she was on to lay down.

"But you're 4 hours are you not tired?" she asked looking for an explanation.

"I'm Bruno Mars. I can do anything...." he said walking over to the other side of the bed laying his head on her stomach. "But right now...." he started. "I just wanna lay in bed with my girlfriend who I haven't seen in weeks." She ran her fingers through his hair as he looked up at her in his button up shirt.

"I don't want to be away from you for that long, ever again, Bruno." she told him. He sat up to look at her.

"Arissa...we won't ever be apart that long again." He ran his fingers through her messy hair again looking into her bright green eyes. :Never." he finished. "Now turn over. Your back is really tight." he told her. "I'm gonna give you the massage ever known to man." he told her.

She laughed at him turning over. He always did that when she was at his house. He made everything feel like it should. But, they weren't getting married. Whatever. She thought to herself as she closed her eyes falling asleep as he pressed his hands against her back.

"Rissy..." he interrupted her shallow breaths.

"Hmm?" she answered opening her eyes.

"Hawaii will be the best trip ever."

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