Chapter 13

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"Arissa!" he was shocked. He held her tightly as she cried in his arms. "Rissy, I'm sorry that happened. There's not a right thing to say. I can't change what happened to you. But I'm here to protect you, always. I want to make you all better." he kissed her head. She stopped crying lifting her head to tell him the story.

"All he said was baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, the whole time. It was the longest 10 minutes of my life, Bruno. I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry, Risa? Why in the world would you be sorry? Why?" he was shocked by her reaction.

"Because, because...I let it happen ...I could have stopped it. I could have just left. But I let him. And I still talk to him. I still see him..." It was the first time she had said all of this out loud. It was somewhat relieving.

"Arissa Eve Henderson. You did not do anything wrong. He is the most disgusting person in the world. If I ever see him, he will have no idea what is coming." Damn. He found my middle name when he looked at my license.

"Bruno, no....he's just a jerk. That's all. It was a mistake. That's it."

"No person, big, small, tall, short, fat, skinny, smart, dumb, black or white is ever going to hurt my future wife..." he said smiling at her.

She awed in response to his sincerity, even if she wasn't going to marry him. She could tell that she wasn't just a random girl anymore. He meant everything he said to her.

"You know I'm not going to marry you right now..." she told him.

"Not after tonight...." he kissed the tears away from her cheek. She laughed as he ran his fingers under her shirt tickling her stomach.

"Is that so, Mr. Mars?"

He didn't answer as he continued to touch all over her body. She kissed his neck running her fingers through his thick curly hair. He lifted her shirt above her head throwing off his fedora that was on her head. "Sorry..." she said to him.

He put his ring finger on her lips insisting that she be quiet. "Let me take care of everything." He laid her on the unmade bed – throwing his blackberry and shoes on the floor.

"Owww." she cried, pulling out a guitar pick from the sheet. He kissed the hand that held the guitar pick, took it from her hand carefully throwing it near his shoes. He watched her bra strap fall down her shoulder without his help. He looked up at her, bit his lip in anticipation and then followed the fallen bra straps on her breasts. He kissed them softly and then moved his hands all over her stomach, this time making sure to make her laugh. "Bruno! stop! That is so not okay! I'm going to kick you and it'll hurt!" she said loudly. He didn't respond to her. His hands stayed on her stomach, but his lips moved farther down towards her thighs. Wow. Her legs are so hot. I want to be in them all day. All night....He urgently removed her pink underwear feeling her relax again. ."Bru.....please....:oh....." She pulled him up toward him insisting that they be together. He answered by pressing against her. His finger tips touched her face as her fingers dug into his back again. She bit her lip so hard it started to bleed. Oh my god. Oh my god, Oh my god. :"Call me Mrs. Hernandez, Bruno." she whispered in his ear. Nailed it, he thought to himself.

"Here put this on, baby doll..." he threw her purple t-shirt and his Nike shorts.

"Thank you." she ran into the bathroom in her bra and underwear to get dressed.

"Oh, I smell so bad, Bruno...:" she lifted up her arm to smell her armpit.

"Take a shower then!" he told her.

"Give me like 10 minutes." she told him.

She closed the door looking at his toothpaste, tooth brush, after shave and cologne. She leaned in to smell the cologne. "Mmm...that smells good. I'll put it on after." She took a quick shower putting on his clothes, careful to savor the smell. Even though he smoked his clothes didn't smell the way she remembered her friends who smoked. The shirt and pants smelled sweet, clean, and nondescript. Perfect. She grabbed a bit of the cologne and wandered back out into the bedroom. He was sitting on the bed on his computer.

"What are you doing?" she asked sitting next to him. He wrapped his arm around her as she read the Word document.

"Let me sing it to you..." he sang her a song about taking control, about being strong, about being confident.

"I get it!" she said punching him in the side. "It's not done yet...wait until it's done." he said kissing her wet hair.

"I smell worse than you do. I need to take a shower, Rissy. Go to sleep. I'll be back in 5 minutes..."

"Okay...." she said getting under the covers. He kissed her on the cheek walking toward the bathroom.

He laid down next to her after his shower wrapping his arms around her waist. He glanced at the clock seeing that it was only 1 am. Damn. It's still early. But this is so perfect. And she's sound asleep.

"Good night Arissa Eve..." he whispered to her.

"Good morning Peter Gene." she responded.

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