Chapter 51

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Arissa sat down in a chair next to Bruno on the stage to answer donation phone calls for the next three hours. While both their phones were quiet she laid her head on him.

"I'm tired..." she told him.

"I am too, baby doll. We can go to sleep when we're done." he kissed her on the cheek answering his phone as it rang. A photographer snapped a few pictures of them as they talked on the phone. While, I guess I have to get used to this. It's not that bad. At least I'm not fat.

When the event was over Bruno helped Arissa hobble to the back of the building. As they were walking they saw a young woman holding two babies trying to wrangle together three other older children. One of the boys ran right into Bruno's legs.

"Hey, little man. You need to slow down. You don't want to get hurt."

"Isaac! What do you say to him?"

The little boy with dark brown hair and big eyes looked up at Bruno. "I'm sorry..." A pre-teen standing a few feet from them looked at Bruno and started to blush.

"I'm so sorry, sir. They're new. And we're still trying to figure everything out..." she said bouncing the babies on her waist to keep them from crying.

"It's okay..." Bruno smiled rubbing Isaac on the head.

"And what's your name?" he asked the pre-teen.

"I'm...I' name..." she was thoroughly embarrassed meeting Bruno.

"That's Isis." the mother answered. "Sissy..." she corrected her mother.

"Well, you want to get a picture with us?" Bruno asked.

She nodded her head about to faint. Oh dear. I hope I didn't act like a 12 year old when we first met..Arissa thought to herself.

"I want to!" Isaac yelled. "And so does Manny!"

The mother took a camera from her purse that was laying on the ground while holding the two younger children.

"That was impressive..." Arissa said out loud. The mother laughed at Arissa's comment handing her the camera to snap a picture.

"Okay...on the count of 3....say queso..."Arissa told them. "I, 2, 3....queso!"

Sissy ran over to the camera to look at the picture. "It's so good! I'm never going to forget this! This is the best thing that has happened to me...ever..." she told Arissa.

Arissa looked at Bruno shocked by the young girl's reaction. "Why do you say that, Sissy?" Bruno asked.

"Because...things have just sucked lately...being taken away from my mom and my dad is gone...and they wouldn't let us stay with yaya..." she opened up to Arissa and Bruno...two complete strangers.

"And these are your brothers and sisters?" Bruno asked.

"Yes. They're all my brothers and sisters. The babies are Isabella and Ivy."

The mother reached over to shake Bruno's hand. "I'm Helena Zayas. I'm there foster mother."

"Fake mom." Isaac said rudely.

"Well, Helena, I would love it if your whole family could make it to one of our concerts." Bruno said.

"Rissy...give them Brandon's phone number." he told her. She handed Bruno her phone with Brandon's number. " this number in the morning. He will get you all front row seats. And bring the little ones two. We'll take care of them." Bruno smiled.

"I'd really like to say we'll call you, Bruno..but I don't think that it's a good idea."

"Well then...give my wife your phone number and we will make sure everyone gets there." He insisted.

Helena took a hold of Arissa's blackberry punching in her number.

"Is it really your number, Helena?" Arissa asked.

"Yes." she laughed.

"Then we will call you tomorrow morning." Arissa said.

The group parted ways with Helena meeting her husband James and Arissa and Bruno walking out toward their car.

"Bruno...I want to do that...I want to make things better for kids like Helena and James."

"Riss..that's a big undertaking. Are you sure that's something you want to do?" he asked her.

"It's going to be hard for me to have kids. There are already so many other children that need help. Why not help them before we have our own?" Arissa asked.

"You make too much sense, Riss. Too much." he smiled at her.

"You think so?" she asked looking at him while he drove. '

"Yes. It's a good idea. There are so many kids and not a lot of people are willing to take care of the kids that don't have families as good as ours were to us while we were growing up. It sounds like fun, too."

"Really?!" her face lit up.

"Yes, Arissa...but let's talk about all of it tomorrow morning. I can tell you're tired. And I am too."

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