Chapter 91

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Arissa turned facing the clock seeing that it was 5:30 in the morning. She had to be up in 30 minutes. She turned around in the other direction stretching out on Bruno the same way she used to.

"Baby...." he whispered to her.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Stay home today...I want to hang out with you and Christian. Please?"

"I'd like that...." she answered him.

They went back to sleep until Arissa's alarm went off. She snoozed it several times until she heard Christian's voice.

"Mommmmm...." she heard his voice coming from the door. "Mom? Dadddd?" he sounded shocked by the sight of them together.

"You don't love him, mommy." she heard him saying walking toward them. Bruno kept his eyes closed waiting to hear what she was going to say. She got up hitting Bruno's arm to talk to her son.

"Of course I love him, sweetie. He's your dad. Without your dad I wouldn't have the greatest little man evvverrr...." she said pinching his cheeks.

" said you hated him when we were at soccer practice..." he responded to her.

"Mom was angry. Sometimes mommies and daddies say things they don't mean when they're angry. And why were you listening to me then? You were suppssed to be playing soccer, Christian."

"Daddy told me to protect you...." he told her. "From mean people...and he's mean to you, mama..." he answered her. "He makes you cry...and you told me people cry when they're sad and angry...and you cry a lot..."

"Oh, Christian..." she said hugging him. "You are the sweetest little boy that the world has ever seen." Bruno sat up as she hugged him tightly.

"Daddy....are you going to hurt mommy again?" he asked him.

"No, Christian. Never again." he said wrapping his arms around Arissa and his son. He kissed Arissa on the cheek picking Christian up and twirling him around.

"Come on..let's go make your beautiful mother some beautiful pancakes..." he told his son.

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