Chapter 24

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Arissa woke up in her bed covered in her blanket, a sweater and piles of pillows. She heard Bruno humming in the living room typing on his computer. She made an audible stretching noise hoping to get his attention. She glanced at the clock...2:15 in the afternoon. "Ugh...what a mess of a day..." she said sitting up scratching her head with her free arm. He's not coming in here...damn. She got up, wearing a pink cami and black running shorts. She walked in the bathroom, turned on the faucet and swallowed the pain pills she was prescribed. She caught Bruno looking at her from the doorway.

"You could have told me that you were up...." he responded to her brushing her teeth.

"I didn't notice." she laughed. "I stretched and made monster noises."

"Oh, damn. Those are so sexy. I hate that I missed them." he responded with sweet kiss.

She walked out into the kitchen after putting her hair up in ponytail ready to clean up the mess they had left the night before.

" didn't have to clean the kitchen..." she said in shock.

"Oh please. It's the least I could do. I practically burned your hand and your house down, Rissa. I have a lot more to do to make up for that." he responded hugging her.

"Thank you..." she said grabbing something from the freezer to warm up for lunch for them.


"Hmm?" she asked looking up from her banana.

"Live with me." he told her.

"I wasn't expecting that..." she paused. Why am I feeling this way now? I shouldn't be freaking out about this. I should be saying yes. I have to say yes. Why wouldn't I say yes? Yes, yes, yes. Oh my god yes... "But you're never there, Bruno..."

"'s only a few months. I didn't say leave here today. After yesterday I realized I have to have you with me. And that's the closet to you I can be. With you there..."

"It's not that I don't want to...." she tried to put her thought together. "This is my home. I would never ask you to move here...but I have to just wrap my head around the thought of it. You know that I think things to death."

"Do you not think I was scared to death when I moved up to Los Angeles? Arissa, even though my sister was there it was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life. Arissa...I'm not sweeping you away to a far away planet where you can't see or hear from anyone ever again and I'm not doing it tomorrow."

"I want you to sweep me have...but it's still so scary." she looked at his eyes, so sincere, genuine, looking into her soul. He was trying to find the right words to make everything alright.

"Come home with me. I'll show you there's nothing to be scared of." He responded.

"I can't...not right now!" she wasn't sure how to react. She knew he had time to spare her, and she wanted to be with him. "I have a job! I have things I have to do...even tomorrow. I took today and last Friday off, Bruno. I can't just run away with you."

"Runaway with me, please...." he pleaded kissing her with a thousand wishes in his head.

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