Chapter 57

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Ethan's P.O.V

Olivia eventually got to the house. I let her in. Of course Bailey just had to be right there behind me when I opened the door for her.

"Hey Bailey." She said smiling as she walked in.

"No hi for me?" I said trying so sound offended.

"Hi Ethan." She said hugging me.

"Well. If you are ready, lets make our way to the pool." I said as I offered to help carry her bags. Just as Bailey said earlier.

"Sounds good. Lets go. If you and the others would like to join, Id be fine with that." She said as the two of us started walking down to the pool.

"Maybe a little later. Gray and I were actually gonna do own thing today with Cam and Nate. So you two have fun together." She said back.

"Alright. See you later." Olivia said as we slipped out back.

We got our towels and everything set up and then we jumped in. She was a fun and cool person to be around.

Grayson's P.O.V

"Why are we even watching them?" I asked Bailey as we secretly watched the two people out back swimming from my bedroom window.

"I just wanna make sure he does do anything stupid is all." She told me.

We spent just 5 more minutes watching before going downstairs to find Cam and Nate sitting and eating in the kitchen.

"Where have you guys been?" Bailey asked the two of them.

"We went out and bought some things for the two love birds out there. Well, it's actually for all of us. I thought it would be fun if we all sat around the fire later on and made s'mores." Cam said to us.

Until then, the four of us just hung around the house. The two of them finally decided to come in at around 4ish.

"Who's ready for some food? We made some mac and cheese while you guys were out there." Bailey said to them as they walked in the kitchen hand in hand. I have to admit, it was cute to see them like that.

"Sounds great." Olivia said with a smile.

We spent an hour sitting around the table just getting to know each other even better than before. Sometimes it feels like we've known each other for years.

Ethan's P.O.V

Olivia was enjoying herself. Which made me happy to see that she was. At around 7 that night, we decided to go out and make s'mores.

Olivia and I were on one side, Gray and Bailey were on the opposite side of us, Nate was to the right of Gray and Bailey, Cam was across from Nate.

Olivia cuddled up next to me as my arm was around her. After about an hour she drifted off to sleep.

"You like her don't you Eth?" Bailey said to me.

"You could say that." I said as I looked down at the sleeping girl next to me.

"You gonna ask her out once you get to know each other better?" She asked.


"Dolan. Ya have to." She said back smiling.

There was no doubting that she would make sure that would happen.

We spent a few more hours around the fire before going in. It was a fun day. I enjoyed getting to know Olivia even better.


I got sun burnt yesterday at the pool. Now I have to go to work all sunburnt.

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