Chapter 42

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Grayson's P.O.V

We ended the night cuddled around the fire, in our pajamas, with a cup of Hot Coco.

"Thank you guys for a perfect Christmas." Bailey said to us.

"That's all we wanted to hear." I said back kissing her head.

We all drifted off to sleep around the fire and had the perfect end, to a perfect Christmas, with amazing friends, and one beautiful girl for me.

*after break*

"Why did winter break have to end?" Bailey asked when we got up for school the first day back from break.

"All fun things must come to an end." I said to her.

"But that kills the fun."

"We need to get ready. Let's go before we are late." I said taking her hand.

"Since when are you willing to get ready for school without me having to force you to?" She asked shocked.

"Maybe I decided to change it up this morning." I said back.

"I kinda like it. Wanna be like this every morning?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah. Im good." I said back.


This semester only one of our classes are new to us. That is PE. Bailey and I have it together 5th period instead of catering. I hope we had to play Volleyball. Just cuz I liked Baileys Volleyball shorts. We still had the rest of our classes together. So we walked to our regular first period which is still Chemistry with Mrs. Click.

"Nice to see that I still have the two love bugs in class for another semester." Mrs. Click said when we walked in.

"Yes you do. And we cant wait." Bailey said as nice as she could.

"Just watch those lips this semester Dolan. And that mouth." She said as the bell rang for class to start.

I managed to not get in trouble. Which was good. Cuz I didn't want detention. That would just mean I wouldn't be able to see Bailey. And I did not want that. Again.

5th period rolled around. Our teachers name for this class is Mr. Herman. He seems like a really chill dude. He coaches the Lacrosse team and has tattoos on both arms.

"Looks like I will have a Belieber in the class again." He said once he called Baileys name.

"Good to see you again Mr. Broncos fan." She said with a smile.

Once she explained it, it made sense.

Bailey's P.O.V

I forgot that Mr. H moved to California. Back in Colorado, he was my Science teacher Freshmen year. So it was great to see and have him again.

We got started with class. Our first unit of the semester was going to be Basketball. There was only 4 units. Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, and floor Hockey. In that order. So this shouldn't be too hard for me. I was going to enjoy this class more than I thought I would.

The bell rung and class was dismissed. We all got changed out into our regular clothes, and went on to our next class of the day.


"You and Herman are close aren't ya?" Nate asked when we walked through the door of the house.

"Yeah. We are. He was always my favorite my Freshmen year. So Im glad I get to have him as a teacher again."


Hey guys. What's up? I wanna know what's everyone's favorite part of the book so far. So comment what that part is.

My favorite part is when the four of them realize that they are like a Super Mario Bros squad for Halloween.

Just to let you guys know. These next few chapters will be hard for me to write. I will explain when the time comes.

And for those who do not know yet, I had an interview last night. It went great. I start training on Monday. I will be working at a daycare.

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