Chapter 32

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Grayson's P.O.V

"YOU WON!!!" I yelled when Bailey walked through the door with Ethan and Nate.

"We did." She said smiling.

We hugged and I spun her around. I put her down and we kissed.

"I'm so proud." I said with a smile.

"Me too." She said back.

"Who wants to hit the pool?" Nate asked.

"It's like, 10 at night and I'm exhausted. But alright." Bailey said as she headed upstairs to get changed. I followed her up.

"Have I ever told you that I like your Volleyball shorts?" I asked as she walked into her room.

"Yes. And I know that you like them just cuz they are short." She said back hugging me.

"You don't know that."

"Gray. I know you. Yes you do."

"Fine. You were right."

We kissed. It turned into a make out thing. I pushed her back against the bed.

"I love you babygirl. You know that right?" I asked.

"I know. I love you too baby." She said back as we kissed one last time.

"Now go get changed so I can see you in that bikini of yours." I said with a smirk.

Things found a way to take a turn quickly. Let's just say we never made it out of the room.


We woke up the next morning under the blankets cuddled together from the night before. I saw Bailey's beautiful eyes look up at me.

"Morning princess." I said smiling.

"Morning." She said as we kissed.

We got up and dressed and went down for breakfast. I could tell the Bailey was still tired from the game the night before.

"After breakfast you wanna just have a lazy day?" I asked.

"That sounds great."

So that's just what we did. I loved our cuddle days. I got to spend time with my baby girl.

After breakfast we went back up to my room and I pulled up Netflix on my TV.

"Choice is up to you." I said handing Bailey the remote.

She ended up choosing Neighbors.

"You just picked that because you have a a crush on Zac Efron." I said to her.

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do. Cuz I even have a man crush on him."

"Your kidding right?" She said trying not to laugh.

"Just play the movie." I said trying to get out of the conversation.

We cuddled up and watched the first movie.


"Want some popcorn?" I asked half way through the movie.

"Yeah." She said pausing the movie.

I got up and went to make the popcorn. Ethan was down there too.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Having a lazy day with Bailey Why?"

"Just wondering is all." He said back as he made his way upstairs.

I decided to make a few bags of popcorn for Bailey and I. As I made them, I heard their voices talking from upstairs. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but it probably wasn't important anyway. So I just didn't worry about it.

I finished making the popcorn for us and went back upstairs. There was no more talking. Ethan probably went in his room. I thought that until I walked into my room.

The first thing I saw was Ethan sitting on my bed with Bailey. I didn't want to believe what I just saw.

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