Llamas with hats adaption.

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Ella: MAYYYYAAAA. There is a dead human in our house.

Maya: What? How did he get here?

Ella: Maya, what did you do????

Maya: Huh, I didn't do this.

Ella: Explain what happened, Maya.

Maya: Ok, I was sitting in my room.

Ella: Yes?

Maya: Reading a book.

Ella: Yes?

Maya: Then this guy walked in.

Ella: And?

Maya: So I walked up to him.

Ella: Yes?

Maya: And I stabbed him 37 times in the chest. *closed eyed smile*

Ella: ..... Mayyyyaaaaaaa. That kills people!

Maya: What? I didn't know that.

Ella: How could you not know that??

Maya: I'm in the wrong here. I suck.

Ella: What happened to his hands?

Maya: What?

Ella: His hands Maya, why are they missing?

Maya: Well, I kinda cooked them up. And ate them.

Ella: Mayyyyyaaaaa.

Maya: What? Gimme a break I was hungry for hands.

Ella: .....

Maya: My tummy was making the rumblies.

Ella: >:U 

Maya: That only hands could satisfy.

Ella: What is wrong with you Maya?

Maya: Well, I kill people and eat hands, that's two things.


Ella: Mayyyyya. What was all that?

Maya: I am not sure what you are referring to.

Ella: You just sunk and entire cruise ship, Maya.

Maya: I think I would remember doing that.

Ella: I watched you fire a harpoon into the captains face.

Maya: That sounds dangerous.

Ella: You were headbutting children off the side of the ship!

Maya: Wow, that must have been horrifying to watch.

Ella: *cringes* And then you started making out with the ice sculpture.

Maya: Thank god the children were not on board to see that. *accomplished look*

Ella: Uhh. Maya, why is the lifeboat red and sticky?

Maya: Well, I guess you could say it is red and sticky.

Ella: Maya, what are we standing in?

Maya: Would you believe me if I said it is strawberry milkshake?

Ella: No, I would not believe that.

Maya: Melted gumdrops?

Ella: No.

Maya: Boat nectar?

Ella: No.

Maya: *shrug* Some of god's tears?

Ella: Tell me the truth, Maya!

Maya: Fine. It's the lovely elderly couple from 2B.

Ella: Maya!!

Maya: *shrugs again*  They were taking all the crescent rolls.

Ella: Maya!!! 

Maya: I will not apologize for art.

Ella: Wait. *looks around cautiously* Where are all the other lifeboats?

Maya: Wow, you won a prize! I didn't even notice that.

Ella: Where are the other lifeboats, Maya?

Maya: Judging from the trajectory of the moon and the sun, at the bottom of the ocean.


Maya: I bit lots of holes in them. :3

Ella: Mayyyaaaa.

Maya: I have a problem. I have a serious problem.

Ella: You are just... Terrible today.

Maya: Shhhh. Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness.

Ella: That's the sound of people drowning, Maya.

Maya: That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and than silence.


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