Meet Bailey-san!!!!!

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Maya: Hi guys! At the moment, I am not alone. *gives Bailey author status*

Bailey: Hi peoples of the world.

Maya: I have a challenge for you readers. Comment below who you think Bailey here is on Wattpad. Your hint is her intro, or what she just said. I will feature the winner of the contest in a chapter. =)

Reader: Maya...

Maya: TT_TT Ok, ok. I'm writing.

Reader: *walks away*

Maya: *sets mine under reader's feet* Huehuehuehue.

Reader: *explodes* MAYA!!!!!!! >=U

Maya: =3 yes????

Reader: *dead* (for now)


Maya: ANYWAY! I'm gonna leave before Reader revives and kills me~ Any last words Bailey?

Bailey: I'm good, psycho :)

Maya: Hey!

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