I am Trying to Make this a Long Chapter.

18 0 2

Reader: Hi M- What is this?

Maya: =)

Reader: You're making another one? (lol dat meme do)

Maya: ....Yes....

Reader: I leave for a week...

Maya: huehuehuehue...

Reader:..... just write the story.

Maya: Owwwwwwww....



The signs at the Mall

Aries: Yo guys, look what I found!

Taurus: Ugh, everything's so expensive!

Gemini: I have 20,000,000 outfits to try on.

Cancer: I'm hungry, can we go to the food court?

Leo: I need this... and this... and this... and this...Hey, where'd all my money go?

Virgo: I don't wanna spend too mu- HOLY SHIT IS THAT A FONDUE MACHINE!?!?

Libra: *helping friends choose clothes*

Scorpio: HOT TOPIC!!!!!!

Sagittarius: Hurry up guys... VIRGO LET GO OF THE FONDUE MACHINE!!!!

Capricorn: Hang on.... I have a coupon...

Aquarius: *leaves book store* Now to... HOT TOPIC!!!! *joins Scorpio*


The signs at school

Aries: Always Yelling.

Taurus: What the fuck am I doing here.

Gemini: Has to leave because they are laughing at their own joke.

Cancer: Nom Nom Nom.

Leo: Flirty McFlirterson.


Libra: Never does homework.

Scorpio: Mentally killing everyone with Aquarius.

Sagittarius: Procrastination~

Capricorn: Teacher #2

Aquarius: Looks like they don't give a fuck but are mentally killing everyone.

Pisces: Ducks. Ducks everywhere.

The Signs as Circus Performers

Aries: The crazy freak artist, who juggles chainsaws and swallows knives.

Taurus: Knife thrower

Gemini: The magician.

Cancer: The puppet master

Leo: The ringleader

Virgo: The stilt walker

Libra: The tightrope walker

Scorpio: The fire breather

Sagittarius: The clown that tries to be funny but actually scares the shit out of everyone.

Capricorn: The contortionist

Aquarius: The acrobat

Pisces: The ribbon dancer

The signs evilness

Aries: On a scale of 1 to 10 they are like a 2. Suprise!

Taurus: Apparently extremely evil.

Gemini: This guy's a peacemaker? Bullshit.

Cancer: Secretly stabbing you in their mind.

Leo: Sugar, spice, and everything nice.

Virgo: Thinks they're evil but... NAW!!!

Libra: They'll blame it on someone else.

Scorpio: Actually not evil but everyone thinks they are.

Sagittarius: Most evil but nobody realizes.

Capricorn: Capable of starting a war.

Aquarius: Satan. Yes. Just yes.

Pisces: Will hit you with a stick but that's about it.


Reader: Maya, what is this.

Maya: BYE! *closes the story before she can get scolded by reader-sama*

Reader: MAYA!!!!!!!!! >=U

Maya: Hehehe................. OWWWWW!!!!!!

Reader: Wut?

Maya: Cramps.

Reader: Oh.... OH!!!!!!

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