COSPLAY!!! (final)

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*Hello! Welcome to the final part of COSPLAY!!!*

*I hope you enjoyed this mini series and if you guys want I can continue to make them!*

*Now!! Onto the story/roleplay thing-y*

*It is the final day of Comic Con! Maya finally gets to wear what she wants and Alex is butthurt.*

Maya: YAASSSS!!!! XD

Alex: Wut?

Maya: I actually get to wear my original Cosplay!!!!! 

Alex: What is your original Cosplay anyway?

Maya: *steps out in 50% off Nagisa cosplay* Tada!!

Alex: *pats head* Kawaii.

Madi: Hey guys! *joins the group with Ella, dressed as Sasha from Attack on Titan*

Ella: Hyello. *dressed as someone from her coconut head anime, I don't really know* 

Mary: *appears with Sollux* Hi.

Maya: Ayyye! Yo! Its Jaws and Mary!

Everyone that hasn't seen 50% off: ...... wut?

Maya: ^^

Jenna: Hey guys. *walks in wearing Nepeta Cosplay*

Madi: Ok, now we can leave!!!

*later at the Con*

Maya: *sees spider*

Maya: *picks up paper towel* 

Maya: *slowly approaches spider*

Maya: .......*blows up the convention hall*

Convention Hall: *blows up*

Maya: Hehe... Oops.

*And then they went home.*


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