The final solution

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Dominik: "Good rule of thumb, if a player asks you for gold two seconds after meeting you, front lines!"

Lucas: Ha! Serves them right!

Dominik: "If they hijack conversations to rant about their political views, front lines!"

Lucas: Aw, shit.

Dominik: "If they ask female gamers for pictures of their boobs, front lines!"

Side Character1: OH, BULLSHIT!

Side Character2: That's discrimination!

Side Character3: Boo!

Dominik: Now, now, people, I think there're some pretty valid points being made here.

Dominik: Anyway moving on. "When the bosses health gets low enough, it will switch to a talwar, which should signal the beginning of the plan labeled, "The Final Solution."

Dominik: ....aaaaannd I'm just going to stop reading. Jesus, who wrote this thing?!

Maya: *snickers* ((it was them))

Random Shit (I'M BACK BITCHES!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat